Freestyle rotations

RE: Freestyle Reads!

>Oh, BTW, once I am happy with my legs, how do I go about
>maintaining the results? Do I have to continue in the same
>fashion or can I do legs a bit less often then? TIA!:)

I don't think this is addressed in the book. But I think if you cut back to 3-4 days a week that would be good for maintenence. Or even doing one of Cathe's monthly rotations would most likely be fine. Change is always good for the muscle...:)...Carole
RE: Freestyle Reads!

Good question Wendy! Thanks for the reply Carole.

Reba ~ That looks great! That will be perfect for the next 2 weeks, since it will be soooo busy. Thanks for posting this!!:)

RE: Freestyle Reads!

Glad I helped you out w/my question, Dallas!

I printed out most of the rotations you gals were so kind to post on this thread. I'm gonna look through them and see if I can use one down the line. I want to stick w/what I came up with for about 4-6 weeks and then I plan to change it up so hopefully I can use one of these rotations! Thanks! :+
RE: Freestyle Reads!

Again, WOW! LOL

Thanks, everybody, for keeping this thread alive. I am going to print off a bunch of the rotations and comments here, for the New Year.

Carole-THANKS! And...I figured the answer out myself today! LOL. Today was my 20 miler. OUCH! LOL. I just couldn't imagine having worked my legs hard this past week and then running the 20. Actually, I did do some lower body on Friday and was sore on Saturday and still a bit this morning. My plan till the marathon is to not do any weight work for lower body till after my recovery phase, then to start with a nice cool Freestyle Rotation in February.


RE: Freestyle Reads!

I'm curious as what rotation you are following since you are seeing results already? my thighs are my worst enemy and i would love to slim them down. thanks, laura
Question for freestylers

To all you freestylers out there,
First of all I m so enjoying all the great info on this thread!! My question here though is, will I still see results using no weight at all on my lower body. I had posted a while back how my legs were beginning to bulk up from the type of classses I teach and the type of body I have. Well I have learned lots since then. Thanks to many of you and I even got the book on freestyle. As I posted it is fantastic. I have for the past month or so just about completely dropped using any weights on my lower body. I think it is working but it may still be too soon to tell. I just wondered if those of you out there who have been doing this for a while felt that it would still be effective for me. I am still doing all the exersizes the recommended in the book the amounts and days as well as running for cardio and have added some pilates and yoga.

Thanks so much,
Rose :)
RE: Question for freestylers

Hi Rose...:)...I think you can still get results without using any weight. I know when I did the one legged squats from the Freestyle book without weight...YEOW!!! I have just lifted weights for so long that I do use some weight with Freestyle. 2 7.5 to 8lbs on most types of lunges, 28-33lbs for most types of squats. I'd suggest using no weight for awhile longer and if you think you are not getting results add some weight. Freestyle is very easy to modify...:)...Carole
Another Question

Would this be effective or called Freestyle if you did not have the book but alternated Cathe standing and floor work daily. Doing say squats, lunges, dips one day and then floorwork the next day for say...6 days a week? Or is the book necessary?
RE: Another Question

Not to contribute to "a thread that won't die," but I had a bit of inspiration this morning when trying to decide the best way to use Lomax in a freestyle rotation, I haven't really seen anyone else using it, and it always works the lower body so effectively while getting some nice cardio. Working off of Pinkys Extended Lomax modification:
LM warm-up
LM cycle 1
Squats, 20 reps, 45 lbs.
Plie squats, 20 reps, 45 lbs.
LM cycle 2
squats, 20 reps, 45 lbs.
Plie squats, 20 reps, 45 lbs.
LM cycle 3
Leg presses, first set with 8-lb. db's, 16 reps each leg
Leg presses, 2nd set with 10's, 16 reps each leg
LM cycle 4
Two sets of static lunges, 45 lbs., 16 reps each leg
LM cycle 5
Leg presses, first set with 8-lb. db's, 16 reps each leg
Leg presses, 2nd set with 10's, 16 reps each leg
LM cycle 6
Two sets of static lunges, 40 lbs., 16 reps each leg
LM cycle 7
LM cool down

I came up with one that uses the freestyle lunge cycle instead of squats and leg presses:
LM warm-up
LM cycle 1
Lunge Cycle (Forward, Reverse, Side, Crossover, Inner Thigh)x20
LM cycle 2
Lunge Cycle (Forward, Reverse, Side, Crossover, Inner Thigh)x20
LM cycle 3
Lunge Cycle (Forward, Reverse, Side, Crossover, Inner Thigh)x20
LM cycle 4
Lunge Cycle (Forward, Reverse, Side, Crossover, Inner Thigh)x20
LM cycle 5
Lunge Cycle (Forward, Reverse, Side, Crossover, Inner Thigh)x20
LM cycle 6
Lunge Cycle (Forward, Reverse, Side, Crossover, Inner Thigh)x20
LM cycle 7
LM cool down/Stretch

Should take about the same amount of time and really fry the legs}(
I love this thread!
resourceful thread ;-)


Thanks for contributing to our neverending freestyle thread :)I too think its wonderful to have a very resourceful thread all in one !

Your program is Freestyle perfecto!

Thanks again to everyone for sharing, your input is greatly appreciated!
RE: Another Question

at the risk of sounding stupid...

what is a crossover lunge and an inner thigh lunge?

Also is reverse lunge a lunge going backwards?

And do you mean you are doing 100 lunges between each LM cycle? - if so how long does that take (I"m quite sure I'd pass out about LM cycle 3 ;) )

Thanks :)
RE: no stupid questions ;-)

Thanks for the link Delphene, so much easier than trying to describe them!
And yes, Julie, I guess you are doing 100 reps of types of lunges between each blast, but only 20 of each type, which isn't really too bad, it takes about 5 minutes for me to complete the cycle, more as the legs get more tired. Overall it shouldn't add more than 30 minutes to the workout.
I haven't actually tried it yet, it was just an idea, so I may be back to warn you away from it, if I can make it to the computer}(
RE: no stupid questions ;-)

Gayle...way to go on your last 20 miler!!!![/img] Enjoy your taper....:)

Kathy...the book does help you learn the whole concept of Freestyle plus it shows all the exercises. I think you could alternate standing and floor but add a few days of calf work too. Delphene has posted some great sites to help with the different exercises.

Holy Moly Mattea!! I will copy off that Lowmax workout....:)

Great thread ladies....:)...
RE: no stupid questions ;-)

A little friendly warning, you may want to reconsider doing 20 reps after EACH blast. It may be a little, ahem, excessive. I started out with 20 after each blast, well, that was after the first blast, and then there were so many lunges in the second blast that I didn't do the lunge cycle after that blast, but then I did 20 after the next three blasts, (3,4,5) then six has a goodly number of lunges as well (on and off the step), so I cut the lunges there as well. I could have probably squeaked out another set after the 7th blast, but just didn't want to. All told it came in well under 90 minutes. My legs were a little tired after a 30 minute hill run, GS floorwork, and 400 walking lunges the day before.
This is definitely a fryer and one that I will keep working up to!
RE: Question for freestylers

There is a Freestyle book for sale thru Amazon, is it the most current version? It doesn't cost as much as the one on the Freestyle site.

I'm interested in this technique, as I'm post-menopausal and just not losing the added abdominal girth (I'm still a healthy weight and very fit). My block to this is it seems so traditional "girlie" and I'm a non-girly atheltic type! Esp the photos on the gideons site(porno-style poses)!

So my question is, does this type of training fit a more athletic, boot-campy, vigorous-cardio-loving non-girly post-menopausal woman?

I also have bigger arms than I like anymore, so would I work them nearly every day to reduce their size but remain firm?

Thanks for this on-going thread--I gotta find something to shake up this mid-40's shape!

RE: Question for freestylers

Hi rcbinmichigan...I know there are 2 freestyle books. I believe that both have the same info inside but one has more updated pics. I have the older book with Barbara Hall in a bikini and a red, white and blue swoosh!

Freestyle is geared toward pear shapes that bulk when using heaveir weight for their lower body. I could most likely fit the athletic, boot-campy, vigorous-cardio-loving non-girly type...:)...

In my 20's and 30's heavy weight for my lower body worked well...but in my 40's freestyle is working much better. Now I have a tendency for heavy arms and I did try a freestlye approach with my upper body but didn't get as good of results as when I lift heavy with my upper body and eat clean!

If you can, get the book and try one of the many rotations listed here. There are many of us here to help...:)...Carole

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