Free Speech, I guess

RE: Cathe ROCKS!!!!!

As I sit here with my mouth open in disbelieve with the ignorance and brainless of this poor excuse of a human being.

In my opinion Cathe is the best home fitness instructor I ever came across. (And thank God I came across Cathe)

I have been teaching fitness for 10 years now and have attended many fitness workshops and believe me Cathe is excellent. Very seldom I come out from the workshops with new material. But believe me I have incorporated many of Cathe's step moves into my own classes. My participants love's it! And whenever I introduce new step moves to my class, I always credit or call it "the new Cathe's steps.”

Very upset and disappointed! (I can't believe it that I actually took it to heart the way I did)

RE: Cathe ROCKS!!!!!

I don't think that it's fair to bash this person or label them as "a poor excuse of a human being" based on ONE post in a forum that does not give the poster an opportunity to edit. I don't agree with the suggestion to "shut up", but some of the posted reactions that I have read here are no better, or worse.
RE: Cathe ROCKS!!!!!

I NEED Cathe's word's of encouragement and anything else she has to say!!! It makes the workouts go so much faster and helps keep your mind off the "pain"! It's like working out with a good friend.

RE: Cathe ROCKS!!!!!

Perhaps she was severely PMSy? Is that an excuse for being rude? Whatever the reason her language is inflamatory. She refers to Cathe's instructions as "yaking" and those enthusiastic and encouraging noises as 'whooping". Like my dear old mother always says if you can't say anything nice, why say anything at all... The idea was to suggest types of workouts not to ask someone to quit yakking and whooping by shutting up. Awful!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
"A poor excuse for a human being" - that's getting a little harsh isn't it?

Maybe she did't mean to come across so harsh, sometimes words come across the wrong way in print. She could've said it in a nicer way I guess, but I think some comments in response to this have been a little rude too.
Yes, everyone has the right to their own opinion. It's the way it was said which is highly offensive.
I am annoyed by certain instructors, but I really have no intention of telling them so. What would be the point? It wouldn't change who they are, & it wouldn't make me any less annoyed. All it would do is hurt.
In my humble opinion, Cathe is perfect. Period. Her personality is warm, gracious & real. It shines through in her workouts, & she motivates me like no other instructor ever has. Cathe gives of herself in her workouts, & certainly on this forum. How many other famous instructors would answer our questions (which she's probably heard about 1,000 times) personally, or post a picture of her precious new baby to allow us to share in her moment?
I think the remarks in question were meant to incite (which they did) & to hurt. I have read them several times & I feel they were deliberately rude & provocative. I agree with Bobbi. Shameful.

I certainly agree - Cathe is the best instructor I've had too (including from the gym).

It is amazing how she takes the time to read our comments and respond. And she is very encouraging on her videos.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-02 AT 08:40PM (Est)[/font][p]To my knowledge, you cannot edit on the Suggestions forum. Please correct me if I am wrong. If it was the poster's intent to incite, she's winning the game.
No lynchings at

I love Cathe too, Ruth! And believe me I have grumbled at her for being so enthusiastic while I, drenched in sweat, am ready to keel over, but you nailed it when you said she's perfect. She's is my favorite instructor, hands down. She awes me over and over again. The fact that she CAN converse with us as she does incredible feats of working out amazes me. My kids come and try to talk to me when I am working out and I can't LISTEN, let alone talk to them! LOL!

Hey, you know that bumper sticker: "Mean people suck"? Hmmmmm? She was mean to someone we admire and we are venting, that's all!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
RE: No lynchings at

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-02 AT 10:15AM (Est)[/font][p]I agree with Bobbi - the fact that Cathe CAN talk to us during the workouts, while I'm dying trying to keep up with her, is absolutely amazing. I also think that Cathe comes up with motivational quips at just the right time. Just when you're ready to say "ahhhhhh ,forget it!" She says something motivating/cute/funny. She is absolutely wonderful and a perfect, perfect instructor. Cathe - DON'T change!

Personally, I am hoping Cathe doesn't even come across this post - it is very unfortunate that someone could be so rude and distasteful. We love you Cathe!
RE: No lynchings at

Hey Bobbi, you're absolutely right. There are times when Cathe indicates we're going to do some MORE or we're going to do THIS now...and with my eyes bugging out of my head I indicate to her that she's a sick puppy! Cracks my hubby up. Point is...I do it. And I love her for teaching me I can do more!
Food for thought

You know the joke about what the S & M stand for in SNM Video, don't you? Think about it. S N M from the mind that gave us Sit and Stands and Low Ends! We are all "into S & M" and didn't know it! I guess it could stand for super motivational! Cathe is one of many blessings in my life. She has helped to keep me exercising and loving it! I am sure she is so involved with all the men in her life that she needn't be troubled by someone's insensitive request which the majority doesn't support anyway. As for the poster Anne, Abraham Lincoln once said, "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool then to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." I am going to quit yakking, whooping and be quiet now. I am getting ready for a week long stay in Florida to visit my husbands parents. We are having a party to celebrate their 50 years of marriage and his 90th birthday! Life is a celebration, after all. We can't let people talking trash upset the our happy little lives!:)

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
RE: Food for thought

Bobbi, what fun! Hope you have a great trip. Say Happy Birthday to your father-in-law for us, and Happy Anniversary to them both! My grandmother turns 95 this year. I doubt if I'll ever match her, but boy she sure shows me what CAN be.
I have to say though - the ultimate irony - she never exercised or ate clean in her entire life. She eats cheese like it's going out of style, steak, ice cream, doughnuts. Sigh
Have a good time!

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