Freaking out looking at these rotations! ~ are you crazy or am I


I am new to Cathe and just ordered L&G and KCP.

Ok I thought I would see what exactly your roations compile of and I am way freaked out! How many hours are you spending a day working out? I am mommy and I work. I could never find the time to spend 2 or 3 hours a day working out. Does anyone see good results without going so crazy? Or do I just not get it?
Don't be freaked out!

Yes, some of the rotations posted have more than one workout listed per day. Sometimes that is in fact the case, and sometimes it is listing part of one workout with part of another workout so the total time is about an hour.

I would say a majority of the rotations have workouts listed that take about an hour. I recently created the tank top arms/beach butt rotation and all of those workouts clock in right about an hour because that's all I have time for in the mornings before work. Using that example, even though I have Push Pull upper body premix x 2 listed, that actually clocks in at only 51 minutes. Add on an ab segment and there's an hour.

If all else fails, look at various rotations and the workouts that are used and make substitutions with your other workouts that are of the right time frame for you. Rotations are best when they are considered as guidelines and are not considered too rigid.
RE: Freaking out looking at these rotations! ~ are you ...


I think a lot of the women on this forum have busy lives like you. I work 40 hours a week and really have to plan the time I want to work out. And yes, some people do work out more than an hour a day, I don't think that is going crazy. Did you know Cathe herself is a busy mom of two?
Sometimes on a sunday when I have the time I do workout about two hours, usually I combine a cardio, weight and yoga/pilates on a day like that. Just because I love it.
I agree with Sabine that most of the rotations are about one hour a day. I Think the rotations Cathe has posted are all not much more than one hour a day.
Do what is right for you and don't get freaked out by what others do. I think CTX-series is great for you. It packs a lot of work in a short amount of time and they are really fun workouts.

BTW: KPC/L&G is a really good choice, have fun working out!

Thanks, I am feeling better already. I am to get my DVD tomorrow!!! Can I say will be stalking the window for a UPS truck! My Firm video just ain't doing it. I keep upping my weight but feel it's still lacking. Just love kickboxing so I can't wait!!!
This is just my 2 cents worth.....

In all of life my motto is 'everything in moderation', and exercise is no exception. My workouts range from 45 minutes on a lighter day (or a day when I will also play tennis or golf) to 1 hour and 15". Most often they are one hour in length.
I am not a fitness professional and see no need to workout everyday for multiple hours. I suspect those who do may be not quite balanced. One Cathe workout per day is plenty or doing a few premix combinations to mix things up a bit is fine for me.
There is just more to life than exercise. I exercise to live not live to exercise.
A lot of people work out more than one hour a day and they aren't unbalanced. People do what they enjoy and find time for what they enjoy. This does not make one unbalanced. To each his own.

JulieMom...the beauty of working out at home is that you can work out as little or as much as you like and have time for.
Julia, I hope the ups man doesn't dissapoint you. I just wanted to say I love kick punch and crunch, it is my all time favorite and I
can't say enough about legs and gluted, they are both great.

I work about 46 hours a week, no kids well I guess my husband and cat, they are high maintenance.

I give myself 60 to 75 minutes every morning and that is all I have time for. In the evenings I have been doing sections of pilates and yoga, the stretch feels so good.

I hope you get your tapes ansd let me know how you like them.

Good Luck.:D

Doing one Cathe tape a day and taking a rest day once a week will still bring results.
Just remember that you must combine a sensible exercise routine with a good nutritional plan. This is the surefire way to a fitter and leaner you!
I recently was working out 2-3 hours a day 5-6 days per week but I was tired a lot and then got sick and stayed sick for 7 days. After that I decided to try 1 hour a day 5-6 days per week. I can't tell that I've lost much if any muscle tone and my weight loss (I'm on WW) actually INCREASED. So yes you can get results without 2-3 hours per day. My rotations are in my sig link, but I just stared posting them 3 weeks ago. This week and next week should give you some ideas, however I don't do only Cathe, I mix in some non-video workouts.

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