Franny Benedetto??

I just ordered Cathe's new cardio/strength DVD for 'off' days when I don't feel up to working as hard as usual (had a few of those this summerx( ). I am also in the process of replacing VHS with DVD so I ordered the BodyMax/MIS/PH DVD which I'm excited about, I love the versatility of DVD's. I decided to order something different so I got a Franny Benedetto step/hi lo tape (I think it was 2202), anyone out there have these workouts? I'd love to hear what you think of them with regard to intensity, choreography and how you like Franny's intstructing. TIA:)

Take Care
I just looked at my workout log and my comments for 2202 are "fantastic workout; just right length and intensity" for the Hi-Lo, and simply "LOVE Franny" for the step. I have always enjoyed Franny's style: very pleasant and low-key with good cueing and creative choreography that is easier to pick up than Christi Taylor's. Based on my HRM log, Franny's cardio workouts are similar in intensity to Step Blast or Step Jam. I think and hope you will enjoy 2202!
P.S. IF you do enjoy it, CIA's 2K05 Cardio Parties by Franny is another good one.
Thanks so much Bergame:) That's great feedback, I have been curious about Franny's workouts for a while and am now looking forward to getting the new workouts even more!

Take Care

p.s. "workout log", "HRM log". Wow, you are one organized exerciser, that's awesome! Thanks again:)
I love, love, love Franny! I have alot of her workouts, my favorite being Cardio Parties. She is great at both hi/lo and step, and all the tapes I have include both on 1 video. Great intensity, lots of fun, great personality without being "perky".
Franny rates right up there with Cathe and Christi for cardio imo!
Thanks for the info. I went to VF and wrote down the workouts I thought I might be interested in. I will keep these in mind for future purchases.
Thanks! I wasn't even looking for any non-Cathe workouts, but these look really, really good. I'll have to put them on the wish list.


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