Good morning!
Saturday's workout consisted of a 2 mile run + Combat core attack. I went to the chiropractor last week for the first time, and I don't know if the therapy helped or what but I my knee did NOT hurt when I ran.
I also think i'm getting better at adjusting my IT band strap. Either way, i'll take it! My knee was a little sore after the run but nothing like it has been in the past. Maybe i'll actually survive the Warrior Dash on Saturday.
Yesterday's workout was Terminator: Viper. I did not allot myself enough time to complete the whole workout so I only did the finished C&W step combos 4x (instead of 6x) and I skipped entirely the last C&W step segment. Still, it was a fun, tough, sweaty workout, and i'm feeling it today! This morning I did Combat 30 + Inner Warrior. My shoulders are sore from yesterday, so I only wore my boxing gloves for one segment (and that was enough
Wiggie: Thanks for getting our new thread started. I always forget about that.
How are you feeling? By the look of your Saturday workout i'm thinking you are on the mend.
Yowza lady!!! Congrats on the new workout series! How do you find these awesome workouts? I just checked out the series, and it looks awesome! If only I had a kettlebell. Once I get a little more workout space i'm definitely going to invest in a few kettlebells! Looking forward to your review of the workouts.
Wendy: What's the current swing count?? You are racking them up FAST! I love it!
Still enjoying those lower body DOMS?
Another awesome "walk in the park" on Sunday I see.
At least you didn't do those crazy hill climbs. I get winded THINKING about them.
Do you ever feel swings in your shoulders (mainly front delts?). That's the spot in the upper body that I sometimes feel it when I do KB swings (which isn't often, so i'm sure i'm not doing something right).