Hey Ladies. Good Morning! TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!
Did I tell you that I had ordered these:
adidas Adipure Lace Trainer 1.1 Shoes for my B'day as a gift from my DH? Well I did and I got them a couple days ago. I did my first work out in them this morning!
Here's today's work out::
1 time thru @ 15r/30w:
Plank hold with med ball roll between hands.
Bicep curl with tubing while laying in bridge position on stability ball.
Weighted punching combo (jab cross hook upper) on one side.
Core stability exercise that has no name. LOL
Squat with calf raise and bicep curl at the top.
Weighted punching combo (jab cross hook upper) on other side.
Alternating side plank with hip dips.
Static hold with weights for biceps.
Weighted punch comb (jab r, jab l, cross r, cross l, hook r, hook l, upper r, upper l)
8 @ 10r/20w:
Plie jump squats with firewalker band around ankles.
Jumping lunges holding med ball.
Now of course to get the most out of this work out I obviously should have repeated the first part of it at least one or two more times but I kept it short on purpose since it was the maiden voyage of my new training shoes! I will do it again the "right" way in the future. It was a good work out!
BBL to chat!