Foxy Fusionistas - June!!! :)


Hey Ladies.

Figured I'd get the June thread rollin'! :)

Y'day I participated in the group training session at the studio and this morning I did this at home::

20 @ 25/45:
Standing tube row, KB slide Lunge, Body Saw, KB slide Lunge other leg, Plank to Push Up

8 @ 15/30:
Skaters, Double Arm Swings, Mountain Climbers w/discs, Speed Squats

8 @ 15/30:
Alternating Swings, Mountain Climbers w/discs, Skaters, repeat Mountain Climber w/discs

Then we spent the afternoon by the pool with my mom and her boyfriend.

Back to work tmrw. :rolleyes:
Hello All!! :cool:

Friday's workout was Afterburn, Saturday's was Addicted to Sweat & Sunday's(today) was Lean Legs. That's what DD wanted to do.:rolleyes: I had my grandaughter this weekend, we went to my Aunt's house yesterday & went to church today, so it was a nice weekend.

Wendy: Another great compilation!! An afternoon by the pool sounds wonderful, I am sooo jealous!! :D:p

Katie: Sounds like you had a blast at Punch class! Yay for new moves, that always makes class interesting!!;) IKWYM about Step Blast, I couldn't believe how much harder the dvd was!!:eek:
Good Morning Girls.:)

The bum is sore this morning from y'day's work out. Makes me happy! ;)

This morning I did this...

8@15/30 x 3::

1) Skaters, 8 alternating swings into bear crawls

2) Skaters, alternating swings, 5 burpees into bear crawls, repeat Swings

3) Burpees. Skaters, repeat Burpees. Bear Crawls

Can't believe it's Monday already but atleast I wasn't up in the middle of the night like last week!

Hi girls!

It sounds like you both had fun, relaxing weekends! Mine was the same. :) Saturday I did Crossfire in the morning, baked a few yummy treats that afternoon, and then spent the evening/night with a friend. My workout didn't get done yesterday (Sunday). :( I just plum ran out of time. I didn't get home from my friend's house until about noon and went straight to my in-laws for a belated birthday lunch for my husband. I then spent the afternoon with my nephew and my parents came after yesterday evening for dinner so I did a mad cleaning dash and cooked up a few things to eat. I was ready for bed about 8:00 pm last night. :rolleyes::p This morning I was ready to go so I decided to do Cardio Leg Blast. It wasn't as hard as I remember. I guess that's a good thing, though. :)

Wendy: Thanks for getting us started for this month! I can't believe it's June already. Where is the time going? Excellent combinations the last few days! How is your bum feeling? This is one of the few places that people (myself included) celebrate soreness. :p;) I'm very glad you get some much-needed rest last night!

Wiggie: Yay for a fun few days with your DD and granddaughter. :) Plus I see you enjoyed a weekend full of excellent workouts. Nice job!! I miss Afterburn. I haven't done that one in awhile. It always burn my legs like crazy! :eek: BTW, how is your husband doing? Is he feeling any better?
To make up for missing Sunday's workout, I did a Gym Styles mania workout this morning. I started with the timesaver Chest/Triceps premix (skipping the cooldown) and finished with the timesaver back/biceps/shoulders premix (skipping the warmup). Overall it took about 65 minutes. Using only premixes made a few sections easier (chest, biceps) but a few didn't feel hard enough (triceps, back). Oh well! :) I least I hit all my upper body muscles, which was my goal. :cool:

Hope you all are having a fantabulous week thus far!! :)
Good Afternoon Ladies. :)

This morning's work out was as follows::

3 sets of this:
Alternating Slide Hand Reach (10 reps)
SB Bridge (20 sec hold)
Slow SB Mountain Climbers (10 reps)

then 3 sets of this:
DB Back Flys
DB Squat with Overhead Press
DB Rows
DB Squat with Hammer Curl
Push Ups (all exercises 10 reps each)

and last but not least....

3@30s/1:00m of Fast Feet, Skaters and Double Arm Swings.

Last night's group session that I ran wasn't a group. It was one girl. LOL It's still counts though! :D The owner was there for most of it but ended up leaving about 15 minutes before we were done and shortly after he got me to agree to do a double session tonight....all by myself! :eek: By that I mean 2 PT appointments at the same time. Each with a different work out to do! :eek: I must be crazy!:confused::p LOL It was originally just one but then another gal wanted to come in too so he asked how I'd feel about doing them both. He would come in and take one if I didn't want to do it but he also wouldn't have asked if he didn't think I could handle it so I agreed to go for it! :eek::D WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wiggie:: Sounds like a good weekend with your GD! Does AB give you mad DOMS in the rear area like it does for me? :eek::p

Katie:: The bum is still a wee bit sore! YAY! :D LOL I hear ya on celebrating DOMS! I love it...usually!;) Speaking of DOMS- Sounds like you annihalated upper body! Happy DOMS'ing tmrw!:)
Good Morning Girls! Happy Hump Day!:)

Well, I survived the dual training appointments last night and I happen to think I did a pretty darn good job for a beginner!:D:D:D

Off to get a quick work out in and get ready for work!

Be Back at Lunch!:cool:
I lied...I'm back now to post my work out!:p

4 rounds of this circuit:
KB squat with pause at the bottom (10 reps)
Hand to Hand Med Ball Roll in Push Up Postion (10 reps)
Sliding KB Rear Lunge Left (10 reps)
Sliding KB Rear Lunge Right (10 reps)
SB Kneeling Hand Roll Outs (10 reps)

and then I topped it off with this little killer tabata round:
8@10/20 of skaters and line taps

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Good morning girls!

Today's workout was To The Max. Of course I skipped the compound leg segment...again. I actually intended to do it, but opted for an extra 5 minutes of sleep instead. :eek: Oops. :D I swear one of these days i'm going to do the whole workout. ;)

Wendy: Great job at the dual appointment last night. Was it hectic for you? I think it's awesome that the studio owner is displaying complete faith in you. And for good reason. ;) We knew you were going to be a fantastic trainer! Any more talk about a full time job? At least a little compensation? Just think...extra money for the casinos! :eek::eek::eek: Yep, i'm definitely feeling the DOMS in my chest and shoulders this morning. Hip hip hooray!

Hi Wiggie!
Good Afternoon Ladies. :)

Katie:: My DH asked me the same thing last night regarding the PT Studio. By the end of this month I'll have been there for just over 3 months. If the conversation does not come up by then, I plan to ask what his "long term plans are for me" coz I don't just want to say "hey, so when do I start getting paid!?" :eek: The email I got from him back in the beginning that prompted me to meet with him referenced an "internship" with the facility prior to employment so I completely expected to do some "work" for free. I just don't know what kind of time frame he has in mind as far as how long the internship will last... He refers to me as the "new trainer" and I now have a key to the facility so I think a (paid) future there is imminent even if it takes a bit longer then I may have hoped for....I don't know what he has in mind but I'm not worried about him offering me a f/t position right away. I'd be very happy to get paid for the group sessions and PT sessions that I do as a part-timer for a while...:) So you and me BOTH slept in this morning! I've been sleeping in far too much lately though. IDK what my problem is. :confused: Yay for U/B doms! As long as it's not crazy intense! That's the only DOMS I don't like. Makes me feel sick. UGH. :(
Hello Ladies!!:cool:

My work computer doesn't like again.:mad: So I have to post from my computer, again.:rolleyes: Monday's workout was Shoulder Shredder & Fusion Lower Body, Tuesday's workout was one of the new ZCUT Strength workouts( I forgot the number) & some moves I did while previewing the rest of it. Wednesday's workout was Bicep Builder & Lean Legs. Once I've done the cardio that will complete week seven, only one more week to complete the rotation!!:eek:

It's almost 1130pm, I will have to come back for personals, talk to you tomorrow!:)
Good Afternoon Ladies. :)

Not feeling the best today. :( Woke up with a headache and forgot to take something for it so consequently it's still lurking. UGH. No work out for me this morning but if the group session at the studio tonight is a new routine then I'll be doing it instead of instructing it. :)

Wiggie: Wow, you are a week away from completing a rotation!!! You rock!!! Congrats! Too bad I am the one who got you off the fence on the program and deciding to buy and then stopped doing it. :eek: I keep thinking I should dust off some dvds but I'm having so much fun making up my own stuff that I keep putting it off. :p Fantastic work outs as of late over all! Even the ones that are NOT a part of the rotation! ;) LOL You go girl! :D

Hi ladies!

TGIF!!!!! :eek::eek::eek: No workout for me today. But I had Punch class after work yesterday. The instructor focused a lot on abs, abs, and more abs. Mine were burning like crazy. :p The workout was also pushup heavy, but I rocked them. ;):p

Wiggie: Sorry to hear your computer at work is acting up again. It sounds rather tempermental. :confused: Computer issues annoy the heck out of me. :rolleyes: Congrats on almost finishing your JNL rotation. That's freaking awesome, girl!!! I'm so very proud of you. :) Nice workouts this week too. You're rocking!

Wendy: Or should say "hello, new trainer"? :p;) I think it's fanstastic that the studio owner refers to you in that manner. Sounds like you will have some sort of future at the studio, which is completely awesome. Have you cut ties with the other gym yet? or is that on the table still too? I know you mentioned recently you were frustrated with the trainer there. Sleeping in so easy to do. :D It sounds like, despite sleeping in, you're still getting in some excellent, kick-butt workouts! How are you feeling today? Any better? I had a horrific headache Wednesday evening/Thursday morning. For me, it was the silly weather acting crazy again. I hope you're on the mend!
Happy Sunday!!:)

I apologize for not being around, I've just been really busy. Thursday we were crazy busy at work, I worked Friday night, so I got home late. Saturday I got up early & went to a high school graduation at 9am. My best friend from the Caymans came home to see her DGD( dear granddaughter) graduate. Later that day she had a cookout to celebrate. Thursday's workout was TKO, I didn't workout Friday or Saturday:eek:, & today's so far was Crazy Circuit Cardio. Excellent workouts for both of you, I get tired just reading about them!!:D:rolleyes::p

Katie: Thanks for asking about DH, he's not doing that great, but it could have been worse, so I thank God for that. That keeps me busy too, since he is unable to help much around the house anymore. Amazingly, he is still able to work. Just please keep us in your prayers. Thanks re the rotation, I am going to try another one when I complete this one.:rolleyes::p

Wendy: Sounds like you are becoming the wonderful trainer that I knew you'd be! Keep up the good work!!:) Thanks re congrats. Yeah, you abandonded me;), but no worries I completely understand.:cool::) Maybe we can do something together later Miss new trainer!!:D:p By the way, how are you feeling?
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Hello Ladies.

Sorry for going a little MIA on you. I didn't mean to. My life is just nutty these days! :eek: It's all good though! :)

Here's today's work out:

4 sets of:
4 rep plank walk/4 plank to push up (2)
... 1/2 kneeling tube chops (10)

4 sets of:
Heavy BB squat (10)
Heavy BB deadlift (10)

4 sets of:
Modified pull ups (10)
Single arm heavy DB chest press on SB with feet close together to increase balance challenge (10)

2 sets of:
Heavy KB sliding rear lunge (10)
Perfect push ups (10(
Heavy KB sliding rear lunge other leg(10)
Tricep dips (10)

2 sets of:
Heavy KB goblet squats (10)
KB crush curl, shoulder press, overhead tricep press (10)

4 sets of:
Heavy KB squat with pause at bottom (10 reps)

Y'day was a rest day because we spent it in NYC to see Spiderman on Broadway! :D

And Friday I did this:

8 @ 15/30 of....
Firewalkers and SB glute squeezes
Light DB rear sliding lunges alternating sides
... then
8 @ 10/20 of...
Skaters and line taps coz it was so fabulously hard the last time!
This morning's work out::

8@10/20-burpees and bear crawls
6@15/30-ropes and swings
4@20/40-ball slams and skaters
4@20/40-line taps and weighted speed speed squats
6@15/30-gliding disc mountain climbers and gliding disc jumping jacks
8@10/20-jumping lunges front to back and side to side

Good morning. :confused:

I'm soooo tired. I could not fall asleep last night. And when I finally did (around midnight), I didn't sleep well. Ugh. I still managed to get out of bed this morning and do HiiT 40/20 + medicine ball abs (ab circuits). I unintentionally cheated on HiiT 40/20 - I only raised my step height to 3 risers instead of 4. I honestly did not notice until the very end, lol! It was probably a good thing anyway as I was tripping over my step quite a bit this morning. Yesterday I did Muscle Endurance. What a burner! I had sweat dripping down my face during the bicep portion. I matched Cathe's weight for each exercise but missed a few reps here and there. It's progress, though, so i'll take it! ;) Also on Saturday I did Cross Fire. Always a good one. :)

Wendy: High five on a fun but tough workout this morning! What's a bear crawl again? I'm sure you've told me a gazillion times before. :eek::D You and those gliding disc mountain climbers. They are so bloody tough!! I love to hate them. You never cease to amaze me, girlie. How was your NYC trip and Spiderman? I LOVE LOVE LOVE broadway! I've been to NYC several times (5, maybe 6) and always hit up one, if not two, broadway shows while i'm there.

Wigige: Morning! I think Cathe needs to have a talk with your work computer? Doesn't it know you NEED your daily Cathe fix?? ;):p Yes, I will definitely keep you and your DH in my prayers! If there's anything else I can do please do not hesitate to ask. What rotation do you have planned next? Another JNL? Maybe Combat? Or maybe a rotation using the new workouts you recently acquired? Inquiring minds want to know!! :eek:;):p
Ok, I'm back! :D

Anyway the excitement is due to the fact that I emailed the trainer/owner of the studio I've been interning at to ask him how long the internship will last and what comes after that. Well, he emailed me back that the internship at this point is up to me b/c he is happy with me and would love for me to stick around and work for him. He said talking to me about employment options was already on his "to do" list so we will be talking about it as soon as we both have some time to sit down together this week!:D

Wiggie:: Only one more week to go on your rotation! You rock! Woo hoo!I think you should do some of my work outs with me after you are done with JNL! :D I would invite Miss Katie too but IDT she could part with Cathe long enough! LOL

Katie:: Sorry you slept like bupkiss last night. I know how that is. BOOH. Can you nap at lunch? Nice work outs! You are killin' it! :)
A bear crawl is pretty much what it sounds like...crawling forwards and's a pretty good description of it that I found online:

Bear Crawl - From a quadruped position (hands and feet on the floor) step forward with both your left hand and right foot. Then perform your next step with your right hand and left foot at the same time. Alternate stepping with your left hand right foot and your right hand left foot for a given distance. Then perform it in reverse.

If you want a visual you can go on you tube - there are lots of versions of it out there....HTH!
I haven't OFFICIALLY cut ties with the gym, btw but I haven't reached out to them either and haven't heard from the guy at all wondering where I've been so PHHHBBBBTTTTT on that place!:rolleyes:

So Ladies, I am considering entering a Spartan Sprint Race this summer thanks to the crazy people at the studio! :p Am I nuts or what!?!? :eek::eek::eek:

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