Found another very good weight tape


SLO MO by Amy Bento.

She works each muscle group very very well with a good size weight so it is not wimpy and her format is different so you are working the muscle in a different way. I have a hard time finding good strength workouts so I was really pleased to find this. Still looking for more so if anyone has more suggestions keep them coming.
Hi, annabel!
This particular forum is for discussing Cathe's workouts. I'm sure you'll get some good suggestions if you repost in the "Open Discussion" forum (where we can talk about anything).

See you over there!;-)
>So sorry, I would move it but don't know how to.

Only an administrator (Cathe or SNM) can move it.
But you could repost it in the open discussion forum (as in 'write it out again from scratch' over in OD).

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