? for veteran exercisers and/or those certified...


I have read numerous times ALL the symptoms of overtraining, but I still can't figure out if I'm REALLY suffering from overtraining, or just have the "blahs" because I haven't gotten any new workouts lately (waiting for IS), and by now I usually would have added a few new cardio videos.

But lately in the past 3 weeks, my body, especially my legs, just feel heavy. My muscles are not recovering in their usual time. If I work my legs hard on a Saturday morning, usually I can still feel it a bit on Sunday, but by Monday morning if I wanted to work them again, I could because the soreness is completely gone, but recently, even by Tuesday, I'm still feeling the Saturday legs workout, and my legs days are usually Sat & Tue which use to give me fine recovery time, but not in the last 3 weeks. Same with my upper body. I use to recover quite quickly, within 24-48hrs, but I worked my back Saturday and today (Monday) I'm still feeling it in my lats big time! I never take this long to recover from weight work.
AND I only worked each body part 1x last week because I was noticing a slow recovery from the prior week.

So, let me answer a few questions you might ask right off:

-no, I usually do not take 1 day off/week, I use Sunday as an "active" rest day with pilates or stretching, occasionally I'll do a cardio, but only if feeling really "fat" that morning or really energetic.

-going over my workout log, since Jan 1 of this year I've only missed 4 days working out, and they have only been since mid- November, so for 10.5 months straight I worked out daily, and I'm wondering if my body is just tired?

-my eating has NOT been perfect, which I think could contribute to slow muscle recovery? I've been eating too many empty carbs rather than complex (I know, I know!), but I have been eating more lean proteins and getting a decent amount of fiber despite the empty carbs.

But overall, I'm noticing a lack of enthusiasm as far as getting started with my workout each morning, I always complete it, but it's taking more effort than normal, already mentioned slow muscle recovery, and sometimes I'm just achy, like my joints (elbows, knees and hips) just ache. They feel better when I stretch them, but they seem tighter lately.

I fall asleep okay, but don't remain asleep, I wake several times during the night.

So, educated crowd, what's the deal?

overtrained? or just bored?

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Hi, Donna! IMHO, certified group fitness instructor that I am as well as devoted Cathe-ite, you are indeed showing several symptoms of overtraining, including lack of enthusiasm for your workouts, lessening recovery between workouts, and difficulty sleeping (which is even more noteworthy given the fact that you work out in the morning; evening workouts do tend to interfere with productive sleep more). Also, holiday madness aside, how is your general mood? Even-tempered? Happy? Irritable? Those are all indicators that you need a rest.

Maybe this is the week to take off COMPLETELY. And do give some thought to re-tooling your weekly schedule to TAKE AT LEAST ONE COMPLETE DAY OFF EACH WEEK. Your body needs the rest physically, and your heart and soul need the rest in more ineffable terms. Your muscles will repair and rebuild much more efficiently if you give yourself that.

Hope this helps -

Sometimes the greatest fitness gains appear during or after a period of rest.

Like Aqua said, take the week off, recover, let your body renew itself as well as your mental focus.

I bet you'll come back stronger than ever!
I just read on article in Oxygen about this very subject. I too am fearful I've been overtraining. I did a self evaluation yesterday and came to the conclusion that I am.I am also not getting enough sleep and like you my eating habits have taken a slight turn.
I would suggest cutting back on your days. Take one full day off from exercising each week to pamper yourself (if not 2).I know some people will train 3 days take 1 off then go 3 days 1 day off.I'm thinking of trying this myself.
I am amazed thet you've only missed 4 workouts in almost a year! You are very dedicated but maybe too much? You're body may be asking you to give it a break,clean up your eating and pamper it!
You want to be ready when those new vids come your way right?! So,rest up my dear - you're going to need it!
One of my magazines also had an article about sleep deprivation(ENERGY).It explained how your body recovers during this time both physically and mentally.. It stated the average person needs at least 7-8 hours everynight. I usually only manage to squeak out 5-6! So I personally have made some revisions and hope to get about 8 everynight from now on!
Donna, listen to your body cuz it's trying to let you know it needs a bit of a break. I'd hate for you to get an injury from overtraining and have to take more time off than you really want to! Take care of yourself! Stay healthy - Susan
Sounds like it's time for a rest - either take a week completely off, or do only light walking (a couple of laps at the mall in the morning), if you feel you must do something. I would do no weights at all.

My sure sign is if I just dread working out, it's time for some time off, and going by your schedule, I think you're due.

If you're afraid of weight gain during your time off, just TRY to really watch your eating especiall close the week you don't work out.

Just Do It! :)
Sounds like it's time for a rest - either take a week completely off, or do only light walking (a couple of laps at the mall in the morning), if you feel you must do something. I would do no weights at all.

My sure sign is if I just dread working out, it's time for some time off, and going by your schedule, I think you're due.

If you're afraid of weight gain during your time off, just TRY to really watch your eating especiall close the week you don't work out.

Just Do It! :)

Well, according to my hubby and daughter I'm always moody, so that I can't tell you! :)

They claim I live in a constant state of PMS! So not true! :)

But I have been a bit anxious lately, a bit irritable as well. I use to get such a rush and be on cloud 9 after my workouts, but these past few weeks I've been a tad cranky after my workout. I thought maybe I just needed some new routine or something? But I will be taking Christmas day off as I'm going to my parents home in MD (oh joy!), so I will have that 1 day completely off, and I'm secure enough "I think" to take 1 day completely off each week. I think!?


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!

Yep! You know me so well, because the threat of gaining weight is looming over me like Darth Vader's death ship!

I feel like if I let up even a little I'm going to be sorry for it! But on the other hand, if I push myself too hard without giving myself what I need, I know what can happen then too. I silently cringe every time I read a post from someone who has to take time off from working out due to an injury, and I know "better safe than sorry!" So any "resonable" suggestions are appreciated, but a week off might have me leaping off the nearest bridge! I don't think I'm (mentally) strong enough for that yet!
For anyone who doesn't know, there is a whole psychological thing to being obese! It's more than "just" body weight, it's a mental weight as well! I'm finding out more and more just how much my weight was/is a part of who I've become.

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
RE: Honeybunch...........................

Ok Donna..

Read this one after Part 2, but YES, sounds just like overtraining.

Don't you workout for 1-2 hours per day?? And as I recall, aren't you on a S&H rotation?? Heavier weights definitly mean more rest time!!!! Anytime I spend 45-60 min. on legs alone, it will be atleast 3 days before I touch them again. I say if you are doing S&H, DON'T do it twice per week. Instead do it only once and tack on MIS or something on the end of the week (if you absolutely have to).

You sound like you really rip it up when you exercise, so remember, the higher the intensity the longer the recovery. I can really identify with how you feel. I get all those symptoms, not so much when I do too much cardio, but for sure when I am lifting heavy and trying to fit in cardio as well.

I don't want to search back in your previous posts, but will you tell me your starting weight when you first started losing and the date, and then what your weight is now. I am just curious (again) and you seem to have come so far..

Hi Janice................

Thanks for your other post under "pt.2" it did hit home with me! :)

My beginning weight was 375lbs on 4/23/01 and I'm currently 167lbs.

I was looking at my exercise log and I noticed that last year through all of 2001 I worked out either 5 or 6 days, but always took at least 1 rest day. It's only been this year in 2002 that I've gone 7 days and I remember why I started this. It was because of a thread at the VF forum, a workout challenge. I committed to 300 days and initially I figured I'd get a "jump start" on the year by working out 7 days, but then I never slacked off, it just became routine and pretty obsessive. I didn't even take my first day off until after I reached my 300 goal.


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Hi Donna,

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-02 AT 06:44AM (Est)[/font][p]Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone, only I believe the cause of my sluggishness to be a gruelling work schedule and low light levels. On the bright side, the days are getting longer!

I keep reading post about what everyone is doing to prepare for the Intensity Series; upping the intensity of their workouts and generally training harder. My approach has been to rest a lot more ;-)!

Your accomplishments inspire me.


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