for those who use 8" step which videos?


I was curious, for those of you who use 8" on your step, which videos do you use 8" for? The only video I have used 8" for is Low Max. Does anyone use 8" for Step Blast or Rhythmic Step? (my faves)!
I would like to kick up the intensity, just wondering if anyone else was brave enough. I am working on courage:D
RE: for those who use 8

I use the 8" step for almost all my stepping. I regularly use it for RS and SB (just did the other day). When I'm feeling good, I use it on the Imaxes, too (especially Imax 2). I only use the 6" if I'm feeling tired or doing something particularly long/intense (like Hardcore Extreme or Imax Extreme). If you want to step up your intensity, go for it! }( :D

RE: for those who use 8

SB, RS, LM, all the workouts on Cardio Hits, C&W, SJ, SJ&P, SH (do this one very rarely), sometimes Body Max. I still bring it down to 6" for the Imax workouts.
RE: for those who use 8

I use 8" for everything except I go down to 6" for some of the intervals on Imax 3.
RE: for those who use 8

Does it really make a huge difference on the heart rate? I noticed this morning I used 6" for Step Blast and my heart rate wasn't high enough.
RE: for those who use 8

I use an 8" for most workouts - all IMAX's, HCE (I adapt some intervals so I don't kill myself!), SB. I actually go up to 10" on LowMax since I can't get my heart rate up high enough on 8". I even did RS this morning on 10" since that doesn't challenge me on 8". I know I shouldn't go up that high, but other wise I am not able to keep my HR up!

RE: for those who use 8

I use 6 inches on the Imax 2 and 3. I aim for 8 on the step portion of Cardio and Weights and the short workouts like Time Saver.
RE: for those who use 8

I use 8" for all of the step workouts. I am tall (5'9), though. I may start rethinking it, though. I have been doing step workouts for so long at 8" and with me getting "up in age" at 47, maybe I should try to start incorporating a lower step height once in a while. But at this time, it still feels okay on 8".

RE: for those who use 8

I use 8 " for all workouts except IMAX 3. Sometimes I find myself wanting to do that workout all the time because I allow myself to use 6".
RE: for those who use 8

I use 6' step for most workouts, I would probably have a hard time with 8, seems a bit too high for me.
RE: for those who use 8

I have been using 8" for years on all step but I think I am paying a price. My knees bother me all of the time. I have recently brought the step down to 6" on higher-impact step. It feels strange but if it helps the knees it's worth it.
RE: for those who use 8

Wow, you ladies are awesome. If I even look at 8 inches, my knees scream at me. If it wasn't for hopping on the step, I'd never get a decent workout. Of course, for Cathe that's no problem...:)

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