For those that have Cardio Fusion


Hi, I don't have CF and I was thinking of trying to do the work out by playing the different segments from each of the dvds. It might be a hassle switching segments but I thought I would try it until I can buy CF. I have seen the work out broken down and I was wondering if I have it right.

The warm-up is from Drill Max.
The finished combos from BMax2 is the 6 min bonus cardio segment from BM2.
Next is the bonus cardio from Low Impact Circuit. Although, on the back of the dvd it says it is 9 mins long, but the breakdown I have of Cardio Fusion lists it has being 11 mins.
BodyMax2 Power Circuits without the weight work.
Then six drill max drills. I am assuming that it is just the cardio segments from the drills, is that right?
Then a stretch - what work out is the stretch from?


This is what I have:

Warmup - Body Max 2
Step Combos (no breakdown) Body Max 2
Low Impact Bonus Step
Body Max 2 Power Circuits
Drill Max Cardio Drills
Body Max Stretch

Comes out to 71 minutes.
Hi there...

Old question, probably, but... does the Cardio Fusion keep the weights on the power circuits of BM2? Or is it just the step n blasts?

I was trying to build my own cardio fusion using the DVDs separately, and I wasn't sure if I should do the power circuits in their entirety, or just the cardio sections, no weights.

waiting for the new ones!

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