For those that do LPB & UPB ........


What do you use for a 14" step, if you don'y have one ?
Would my step at 8 " suffice until I could get more extra risers ?


The only two choices I have are to raise my step to the 10 inch height or to use my bench. My bench is too tall and I place too much stress on knees that way so I opt for my 10 inch step. (Unfortunately I can't increase the height of my step any taller than 10 inches because it does not have risers like the step Cathe uses. It is the Step Reebok kind.) I think that the 8 inch step height would suffice. If you don't feel the muscle working then up the weight. Right now I use 20# dumbbells in order to really feel the muscle working even though Cathe may only use 10#, but her step height is taller. Good luck.
I have actually used my coffee table. It was just the right height and worked quite well!

RE: For those that do LPB & UPB ........

I just did both of those this morning. I have the Step Company step and I stack the four risers on one end and place an 8" Rubbermaid foot stool under the other end with a weight on top for stability. I then step up on the end rather than in the middle. It is only 12" but it works well for me because I'm only 5' tall and my leg & knee are at a 90 degree angle with the 12". I would like to make it more intense though so I am hoping when the mini step becomes available, I'll be able to buy just the top and one more riser to get to 14".

RE: For those that do LPB & UPB ........

A 13 inch Rubbermaid toolbox I bought from Wal-Mart ages ago. It works well.
I put my old Jane Fonda step on top of my Step Co step which gives me 14" because Jane's step adjusts to 10" (it doesn't have risers but rather raises up and locks in place with notches on the step) This works perfectly and is very stable. I never got rid of the Jane step because I just knew there would come a day when it would come in handy!

RE: For those that do LPB & UPB ........


I do the same thing and it works great for the sit and stands too.

Nancy :)
RE: For those that do LPB & UPB ........

I use a regular bench with those tall metal supports you put a barbell on for bench press. It is 17" high and is perfect for all step ups. It's a cheap piece of sh*t I bought 20 years ago, but it's useful.
I used my coffee table yesterday in my finished basement where my workout room is. I had to move a ceiling tile for my head to pop through - it was kind of creepy.

I bought the Novel Notion "aerobic" (NOT!) box recommended on the Cathe site about 5 months ago. I'm glad I did, although now I'll never get to buy the ministep now with everybody else. My Novel Notion box goes 4",6",8",10",12" and 14". But the mini step will do the same or similar when it finally goes on the market.
I use a plain old foot stool (I have bad knees and don't think I ought to go much higher) for PLB and all other videos where Cathe does leg presses/step ups. *Caution* - if you do use a footstool, take care - it's not quite as sturdy as other options.

first think about your height and whether 14 inch step is what you need to perform the same function or whether it's more like 15 or 16 since you are also 5 ft 8 like me, right?

I either use some wooden blocks I had kicking around my basement and place those on top of my 8 inch step, or I just use a chair from our dining table that is totally unrefined with plastic top, not fabric so I do not mind trashing it, anyway the kids ripped it when they were young, so who cares anyway. This is around 15 inches I believe, or maybe 16 inches. Cathe's mini-topper height may not work for all of us at different heights. As long as you have that 90 degree angle with the knee when your leg is on top of whatever contraption you find to work for you that is solid and stable, then you go girl!!!

RE: For those that do LPB & UPB ........

I use a Rubbermaid Step Stool Toolbox. It is about 13" tall and I bought it at Target for around $15.

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