For those of you who pray

Jes - you know I think about you and your family every single day:) You tell Dylan that we're all pulling for him and that we think he's fantastic. And you are the best sister ever:)

Do you think it would help if you told him "you can do anything for a minute"?;)
Of course we are! He will get through it, I know he can! He is so brave for choosing to go into the military, and that makes him a hero of mine. I am definitely keeping him in my thoughts and prayers! :)

More prayers sent yours and his way. Keep us posted. We have no idea how tough it must be out there...this brings it closer to home and I appreciate your sharing this so we know how to pray for them.


Our son graduates from navy bootcamp this friday the 10th, we are leaving tonight to go to Illinios.
My advice, have all the family and friends you can write letters to him for support and so he won't be sooooo homesick. Make sure EVERY one that can write will write him at least once a week. I was writing my son 3 times a week, and other family members once to 2 times a week, so he would have mail at least every other day, hopefully everyday. We couldn't send food items only letters and pictures, we could send cards too, but he said he only had so much room to put them, so I only send him 2 and them told him to throw them away to make room.
Bootcamp is tough, and they are away from everyone they know, so yeah they get homesick, our son is 19, I am SOOOOOOO happy bootcamp is over this week.
I am a christan and do pray, will be happy to pray for your brother, just remember get EVERYONE to write him.....
The other thing is if its like our son, he can only call at certain times, we can't call him. We have heard from him about 4 times since he left Dec 12th

Hey Jes,

My brother was in the Marines....

SENDING HUGE PRAYERS to you Dylan--may God bless you everyday while you're there. I also pray that your knee heals quickly and time passes so you can spend time with your family.

Jes I love your STRONG LOVE you have for your family.

Jes...def add me as one who will be praying for Dylan! How sad that he is hurting and how wonderful for you to care so very much! If you want to E-mail me his address personally, I will be happy to send him off a note or postcard. You & all your family will be in my prayers.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
thanks so much all of you! i wrote him last night to tell him all that you have said. he has such a strong heart and so much determination and courage. i know he will make it. but it's easier when you know people are rooting for you! ya'll are so great!

I know he will get lots of mail. My parents and grandmother are writing to him and then, there's me. i have written him 21 letters so far and he has been gone 2 weeks! (he may get sick of me;-)

I will keep ya'll posted on how he is doing. thanks for caring!

Jes -
I so admire people like your brother who go through what they do for the rights and freedom of the American people. Of course I will pray for him - and your family!!!
Jes - I'll be praying for your brother! Sending (((hugs))) to you! Feel free to email the group when you need our support.:) :)
Jes, I hope your brother is OK. If it makes you feel any better, I think his reaction is perfectly normal, so try not to worry TOO much. My brother joined the Army when he was 18; the first night he was there, he called my mother, crying for her to come and get him. I suspect they're terrified, exhausted, and not used to getting treated like crap. :-( But it does get better... and he will look fab when he gets out, so be sure to mention that to him.

Take care,
My family always prays for the troops and their family's. We would love to add your brother Dylan, specifically to our prayer.


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