For those of you who don't yet look buff...

I love you Lainie! You look awesome. Its hard to look defined unless your bodyfat/genetics are just right.
Personally, I have pretty good definition in my shoulders, and see a tricep muscle/biceps too. And on a good day if I wake up and "twist" my waist just right, my obliques pop and my serratus muscles too. I said on a GOOD day!
But my lower body-except my calves which have always been larger and more not the way I would like them to look.
My legs are the hardest to lean out for me. Its tough, and remember, I was a competitive bodybuilder in the late 90's! I am just not willing, nor can I kill myself for that kind of definition again.

I am with you, let us be our best fit selves right now, today!:7
Thanks for the article Kathryn! I loved this quote:

"dieting down to 10-12% bodyfat is much, much less exciting than you would think. You do not feel sexy and attractive. You feel hungry. All you can think about is how crappy you feel, how hard it is to concentrate on anything, and how you would kill your own momma for a bag of Cheetos."

>Thanks for the article Kathryn! I loved this quote:
>"dieting down to 10-12% bodyfat is much, much less exciting
>than you would think. You do not feel sexy and attractive. You
>feel hungry. All you can think about is how crappy you feel,
>how hard it is to concentrate on anything, and how you would
>kill your own momma for a bag of Cheetos."

Yes, this quote was great!! It made me think about how great I feel when I work out and train hard, which is why so many of us work out in the first place!

Lainie, your website is so fantastic, too! What a great way to keep up your motivation!

>Lainie, your website is so fantastic, too! What a great way
>to keep up your motivation!

Thanks, Leanne. Ever since I got my new Mac a couple months ago I've had tons of fun playing with it and doing website stuff. I find that putting out publicly what my workout plans are does keep me accountable (at least to myself, even if no one else ends up reading it I know it's out there available to the world). Plus it's just fun to talk about my "fitness journey", such as it is. Speaking of my blog, maybe the subject of this thread is something I should blog about. Haven't done that yet--duh.

[font face="palatino linotype" font color=purple font size=+1]***Lainie***

"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
Speaking of my blog, maybe the
>subject of this thread is something I should blog about.
>Haven't done that yet--duh.
>[font face="palatino linotype" font color=purple font
>"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself."
>-- Mark Twain[/font]

What a great idea, Lainie! You should definitely blog about this subject since there seem to be so many people interested in it!

Hi Lainie

You look great. I can tell the difference between before and after. YOU know that you are working out and getting fit; it doesn't matter what other people are thinking or talking about.

If they ARE thinking ..."well, she's not working very hard on that, is she?"..., it is out of their own jealousy and insecurity anyways. They probably wish that they are as dedicated as you are to being healthy and doing your best to get in shape.

I just wanted to chime in and say " good job " and cheer you on along your journey.

You have a lovely family. Boys are cute!! :7

Great thread. I was shocked to see how many "views" it has. Almost has many as those where there's drama going on. This is much more beneficial, although the drama ones are entertaining.

Great article, Kathryn. :)
>Great thread. I was shocked to see how many "views" it has.
>Almost has many as those where there's drama going on. This is
>much more beneficial, although the drama ones are

I know; I feel so exposed with all those views since i slapped my giant size pictures on this thread. We could have drama if everyone wasn't so sweet and supportive. I really appreciate everyone's kind words.

[font face="palatino linotype" font color=purple font size=+1]***Lainie***

"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]

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