For those of you who don't yet look buff...


Cathlete you ever feel funny talking to someone about how much you work out because you sense that they look at you and think you're lying? I hope I'm making sense. Let me give an example of this.

I still have about 15 lbs I'd like to lose (maybe more once I get to that point, but making a realistic goal to start). I've already lost a lot since having my second baby and lost inches and I look way better. People who have known me a while notice and comment on how "skinny" I'm looking--meaning in comparison to the bigger me. However, people who just meet me won't see a lot of muscle definition (I can show a little if flexing carefully) yet and may instead see the remaining fat I have to lose. Today I was talking to my son's new Kindergarten teacher and another mom about working out--telling them I'm temporarily sidelined by my ankle injury and so just working upper body--and then I felt awkward because I figured they'd look at my upper body and think, "well, she's not working very hard on that, is she?" But I do work pretty hard, but I'm not one who gains muscle easily. Also, I've been mainly focused on weight loss rather than the definition, though I have been lifting weights for a few months now. I feel like blurting out something like, "I know I don't look it, but I work out a lot" or something, but I don't want to sound goofy or belittle myself.

Anyone else have this issue? I know many of you are already buff, but there must be other beginners/intermediates out there like me.

I have a couple pictures (sort of before and after but they weren't really planned that way) to show that at least my arms look a little slimmer (I think). The first was taken Memorial Day weekend and I'm a bit pudgier than I am in the second photo (taken a couple weeks ago):

Of course, I could be imagining the improvement. And I have no idea what that dimply thing is on the white shirt below my breast is.

[font face="palatino linotype" font color=purple font size=+1]***Lainie***

"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
You are not the only one. I feel the same way. I am not fat but I am not skinny or buff either. I feel like when I tell people I work out a lot they must think I'm doing something wrong or not advanced because I am not all cut or have nice muscles. Like today I went to the dentist to have the spot where I had my wisdom tooth removed last week and I have been asking him when I can start working out again (have asked him like three times in the last week) and I feel like they are probably looking at me like it doesnt't look like she works out that much. Plus, I am shorter than my sister and we weigh the same but she looks fatter than me. I am 5'2" and she is 5'5" and we weigh exactly the same but I look slimmer which is weird because I am shorter. I take that as I have more muscle, which I know is under that small layer of fat but I hate telling people how much I weigh because I know it is a lot but I don't look that way. Ok, I just totally got off subject here. Let me quietly walk out the back door!!!;)
I'm right there with you both! I've got my share of trouble spots...does my MOUTH count as one? If I didn't have a MOUTH, I'd be slim, right? LOL

ANYWAY...yes...I do sometimes feel as if people think I'm 'stretching the truth' about my workouts.

Right there with ya' too! A couple years ago I managed to lose 30+ pounds with Cathe and controlled (not necessarily clean) eating. But since then I've got 15 of it back - partly due to eating, yes, but some of it I think is due to hormones (I've had to change BCP again to control my endo).

Even so, I can bust my butt at home but I don't think others can see the results like I wish they could (and they all know I workout at home daily). I need to clean up the eating more - that's a no brainer. I'm starting to work on planning my meals, but even so, work and life interfere. I mix up my workouts and do rotations, but I'm finding myself not as excited to workout because the results don't show for the effort. I think the results look 'muddy'... and I told my husband a while back I feel like a polar bear w/an extra layer of fat coming out of hibernation. If I could just get back down 10 (not even 15 - I'd be happy w/10) pounds... I think the results would show.

Let me know if you come up w/any super-fantastic ideas! I am looking forward to Cathe's new workouts - and Amy Bento's Slo-Mo... I SO need an alternative to Slow & Heavy so I can mix it up! :)
Absolutely, yes. I can just feel people at work looking at me & wondering what the hell kind of working out I'm doing! It's kind of embarrassing but I'm not going to defend myself, I'm just going to let them watch me get stronger, slimmer, & buffer! (I hope!):p
My best friend with whom I work, my sister & my DH know what's happening & they see the progression, but I'm sure nobody else notices much. Sigh!


p.s. Edited to say, Lainie I definitely see a difference in your pics. Keep up the good work!:)
Yup!!! I hear ya. I sometimes think my work people don't believe me when I come in all stiff w/ a bad case of DOMS after a new workout. Nor did my orthopediest (sp?) quite get it when I told him high impact, high intensity step intervals (IMAX 3). I guess I just don't look the type. I showed him the DVD - he gets it now and understands. I too, still have a layer of pudge. But, it keeps me warm in the winter:+ And I love the snow, so might as well be warm!!! Honestly, I like to eat!! And although I try to eat clean, I'm not perfect, and don't think I'll ever have the "perfect" body - whatever that is, anyway. I'll just be the best me I can be. (oh my, that was corny) And I guess if they don't believe me I can always challenge them to a round of IMAX or Drill Max. "choose your weapon and draw!!!" :) :) :)


PS. your arms def look slimmer in the 2nd pic. Also, people who see you every day don't notice the difference as much as people who don't see you so much. I'm usually the last one to notice my visible changes, I'll notice the strength/endurance/cardio changes long before I notice any changes in my looks.
To me it looks like you have lost inches in your bicep (I can only see the right one, ha ha), and also toned up.

Even those who are very toned and thin will get negative comments because most people only comment on what they feel guilty about.

SO, just remember what you know about yourself - that is why you are exercising, for yourself and to be around longer for your family.

Ditch what anyone else says or thinks. We are all here to support you ;)
I don't usually read or post here but congrats to you! And I know what you're feeling. Hang in there! You'll show all of 'em by the end of the school year!:) :)
Hey Laine, Try not to feel this way!. Im not sure which way the world is going cause I know there are alot of overweight people but I also know there are alot of people like us....who workout and have gym memberships. It doesn't surprise me at all when find out that people workout and they still have a few pounds they would like to lose.
There are tons of people around here that when they say, "I have to go to the gym" I don't think "you workout?" I also saw someone in the grocery store picking up fruit and veggies the other day with her running jacket on. And I didn't think "you workout?" I was like...good for her! I wonder how far she runs? LOL Not everyone thinks the way you think they are thinking, and I think its only the jealous that do. People who are to lazy to workout themselves.
sometimes yes and sometimes no. at work nobody can really see me other then forearms so they just look at my size and how i look in clothes! my in-laws notice changes last year when i was doing alot better. they haven't commented either way this time around. i did have some confident issues when we were at the water park earlier this month b/c i saw a few younger ladies with flat tummys and i was hiding mine that was a bit buldgy this summer. i kept thinking that if i work this much i should be having abs of steel. but alas my eating has been more of a roller coaster ride then anything LOL.

i think you look great, and you will see great changes as time goes on, you will certainly look buff! i bet you are strong though. that is something i try to focus on is being strong. looking good is a great thing and all but we have lives to live and we can do so much better if we were stronger. that rest will fall into place as you continue on.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
Thanks to everyone for your kind words. I knew I couldn't be the only one with these issues. I wish I had taken actual before pictures so that when I finally have an "after" picture I'll have something better to compare. But I think when it comes to a fit and healthy body, there won't exactly ever be an after, since it's an ongoing lifestyle.

I do Weight Watchers so the eating has improved (I have good days and bad days). I work out 5-6 days a week for an hour or often more (though not this week, actually). Usually I do at least 3 days of weights (and I change it up a lot--splits, total body, circuits, etc.) and 3 or more days of cardio. I'm recovering from a sprained ankle (fell off the step 2 weeks ago) so now I've mainly been doing upper body work--so those arms should be getting better soon.

And yes, Kassia, I've been getting stronger, so I will try to remember to focus on that, plus on all the health benefits. Some days I go out into the world not caring what anyone thinks, but sometimes I get a little shy and paranoid. Probably yesterday was a paranoid day because I was already nervous about my DS starting Kindergarten.

[font face="palatino linotype" font color=purple font size=+1]***Lainie***

"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
Hello Lainie,

Sometimes the evidence is not always visible, but if you feel the arms or the abs you can tell a person works out. At least when I feel my arms they are quite firm, but you can't really see muscles on me. I actually prefer NOT to have visible muscles as I don't want people to think I lift weights, I want them to think I am naturally slim.

You are looking good and there is a difference between the two pictures. You have to be very leanm in order for the muscles to show, so it's not surprising that you are not looking buff (no insults intended).

You are looking healthy and that is a lot better than looking buff in my opinion.

I know how you feel too Lainie. For me, it's that my skinny ol' arms just look like skinny ol' arms until I flex. Otherwise, there's not much evidence of all the hard work I put into lifting weights. Ah well...

Keep on going. You look great!
<<that they look at you and think you're lying? >>

Yes. I told someone that I was into bodybuilding and they looked me up and down with a questioning expression.

I blurted, "I didn't say I was any good at it!"

After working out has hard as I can for nearly 20 years, I realize I'm not EVER going to look like a bodybuilder. I guess I'll just have to settle for being fit and slim. :p
Certain body shapes will never look thin. I always go back to the fact that my BMI is within normal range (barely), I always get a clean bill of health from the doctor and the research I've read shows that being fit, yet slightly overweight, is healthier than not being overweight, yet not fit at all.

You look fantastic, and aren't you proud that your body produced two beautiful children? :)
My co-workers know I work out because I do get comments about my shoulder and bicep definition when I wear a sleeveless top. But never in a million years would I want them to see my stomach!!!! My husband and I have both worked out for years and he has a six-pack and I consider him pretty buff. But it just ain't happening for me. My stomach refuses to look like I work on it. (But I DO - I swear it!)x(
>After working out has hard as I can for nearly 20 years, I
>realize I'm not EVER going to look like a bodybuilder. I
>guess I'll just have to settle for being fit and slim. :p

Redeye, I'll take "fit and slim" any day! I bet you look great! It is frustrating not be able to build "visible" muscle though, isn't it? I lift as heavy as Cathe, and my arms remain stubbornly slender unless I flex really really hard! :p

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