For the choreographically challenged stepper....


I just got The Classics Volume I and I wish I had started with these step workouts before I purchased the more advanced ones. I just couldn't get the steps down and felt really lousy about it. But starting out with Cathe's beginning tapes really made a differnce! The pace is slower and I can catch on. So now when she yells out the name of a movement I know what it is!!

I encourage all others who are step klutzes like me to give it a try with the new (old?) Classics! Also, great ab routines in there!

I am new to Cathe. Ijust purchased her Pure Strength series Leaner Legs and MIS. I would LIke to purchase one of her step tapes. Where can I order The Classics Vol 1. How do I know which of her step videos to try first?
Go to Cathe's "Home" page. If you want the workouts in VHS format, scroll down the left hand column. Step Jam, Step Heat and Step Max are the videos include in the "Classics Volume1" Series. If you want it in DVD format, it is located at the top right hand side of the Homepage. Have fun and welcome to Cathe's place! You're in for a real treat and the purchase, eventually, of ALL her tapes! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Onemore thing!

I don't have the Wedding Video or MegaStepBlast, but I would encourage the Classics DVD or at least StepHeat as a place to start. Cathe's cueing is tremendous and the movements are done at a slower pace and easier routines are used.


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