? for runners re: knees


In January I started doing run/walk intervals on the treadmill. In the last two weeks I've worked up to a 2.5 mile run, with a power walk warmup and cooldown. With this I've noticed my knees are starting hurt, particularly when going down flights of stairs. I got properly fitted w/ good running shoes, so that shouldn't be it. I run M/W/F and do weights on T/TH.

My question is whether this is something that eventually might go away as my body adjusts, or maybe my body is telling me that running isn't for me (hope not. I love it!!). Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
There are a few conditions that come to mind, particularly patellofemoral tracking syndrome and chondromalacia patella. I would check out those first. Good luck with your running program.

My knees often start to ache when I do a lot of step or running.
Maybe you should cross-train more. Have you tried kickboxing? I kickbox more when my knees are acting up. I would suggest easing up for a few days and then jump back in. I have found avoiding running or step for a week helps.
good luck!
My knees used to hurt a lot years ago because I was doing too much cardio like step and running (both can be tough on knees). I was only doing those 2 forms of hi-impact cardio and some strength training. I had to take some time off because my knees were hurting more and more.

I spent over $100 to see a doctor. He took x-rays and saw a very minor problem- nothing much, which surprised me since they definately hurt. He told me to do leg extensions to build the muscle surrounding the knee, since it can be a weak area for women (because of the angle from the hips to the knees). He didn't help much, since I was already doing leg extensions.

I just decided to cut back on the tough cardio for awhile. If my knee would hurt, I would rest more. It can be tough to stop with the running, but it's for the best. Now I very rarely have knee pain and if I do, it's gone after I rest a day. I wouldn't run if your knees hurt. Take the day off or do easier cardio if they ache, and try again in a day or 2. It's better than needing surgery!
I just was talking to a runner the other day that has a herneated disc in her spine and totally thrashed knees from running. She loves to run, I loved running, but boy is it hard on the knees. The list of prescriptions I've heard are:

1. run less
2. stretch illiotibial band
3. stretch hamstrings and quads after warm-up
4. run on soft surfaces - trails
5. do leg extensions with little to no weight but high reps
6. cross-train (especially with something with lateral movement)

Good luck and take it easy because CARTILIDGE NEVER COMES BACK. I never knew that until too late.
Sounds like something that will go away in time. You've been running 3 days/week for 3 months. Your body is still getting used to the impact. Are you stretching your leg muscles (including IT band) after each run? Your IT band runs from the top of your quad all the way down the outside of your leg to the knee. As your muscles & tendons get used to running it will stretch out and become more pliable. But until then, if you're feeling pain after a run, ice the area for 10-15 mins and if you're still in pain, take some ibuprofin. You may need to take an extra day off which is important so you don't get continually injured. Never run through pain. Continue stretching after every run. Your leg muscles will become stronger and used to running and eventually it won't hurt.

Check out http://www.runnersworld.com and click on Injury at the top for lots more info

I hope you can keep running. I love it! I run 5-6 days/week

Hi Guys,

Thanks so much for the input so far. It's kind of scary territory for me because I don't want to do permanent damage but if it's just adjustment time I want to hang in there. Several mentioned streteching the IT band. What specifically should I do to target this area? After each run I do three sets of stretching quads, calves, inner thigh, hamstring and, maybe this hits the IT band, a yoga move I picked up where you bring one leg up, rest it on top of the other quad and squat, stretching the outer thigh.

Any recommendations for cross training? I don't care for step. I have Cardio Kicks and love it. And I'm bored to death w/ the Firm (after 6 years).

Thanks in advance!!
I love running but it can be tough on the body. It's biomechanics. Some people can run with no ill effect while others ache! I have found that every injury I have ever sustained was as a result of my poor feet! I got orthotics about 6 years ago and in May I am asking my doctor for a referral so I can see a podiatrist and get some help for these poor dogs!

For my knees, I take condroitin and glucosamine and it seems to help. I give my body lots of rest and recovery time too! It's about finding balance between my love of running and my poor frail feet! Good luck and keep searching for the answer!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!
Jcm, you were asking about cross-training. I really think spinning in a gym or at home complements running well and is easier on the knees. Swimming is good cardio if your technique is good enough to swim for a mile or more and not too many old ladies get in your lane :-mad And it is zero impact, a virtual rest day for your legs. Who knows, you might end up being a triathlete?!?

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