For pets


I came across "Urban Wolf" for dogs, there is a recipe
(For Puppy Food, please add 'Balancer')
1 lb. Raw or Cooked Meat*
1½ Cups Water
2 Tbsp. Oil
3 Urban Wolf 'Essentials'
Wild Fish Oil Daily SoftGels
(for optimanl dietary enhancement!)
Perfectly Balanced
Perfectly Raw

Breeders swear by this and I am now using it on my dogs. It helps improve the dogs health.
Don't want to hijack your thread, but you're a pom breeder, right? Our pom has just been diagnosed with luxating patella... he's been like a 3-legged pom some of the time, then fine some of the time. I think it may have been the result of a tumble he had with our other dog.

Anyway, seeing as how you're into good nutrition for pets... do you know of any good supplements that help with this condition??

Thanks for any input. And BTW, I never heard of Urban Wolf.... I'll have to check it out.:)
I would try this Urban Wolf, Luxating patella's are not good, what grade is it? it can be anywhere from grade 1 to grade 5 as 5 being the worst and needing surgery to fix that. it is a low grade I would try that, do you feed your pom a hollistic food? I feed my dogs that and they love it and makes a huge differance. You will want to feed your dog this Urban Wolf like two times a day, I can post some of the testimonials of this feed. Also You can try Glusomine for your pom, but if the patella is bad the only cure is surgery. I watch for that when I breed and I have been very very lucky to not have that in my lines.
Thanks for the advice. I know that LP is very common in poms... but I can't be sure if this case is congenital or as a result of too rough play with my other dog (the first time I noticed it was after they were playing in the yard, and he squeeked). For that reason, I'm hesitant to report it to the breeder.

I will check out Urban Wolf. My vet didn't tell me what grade the LP is, but since he didn't mention surgery, I'm assuming it's not that bad... I'll find out, though. Thanks again.
If he didn't suggest surgery it can't be bad. I would try the urban work and see if that helps him out, how old is your pom?

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