For people into P90X....


Quick question.... do you follow a food guideline/diet... how strict is it? i see lots of people who have had results and I wonder if it's mainly because of changes in diet.

I did the body for life program for ONLY 3 weeks and had great results, but i think it was mainly because I was doing the diet plan.....

any thoughts/comments????


There's a nutrition plan that comes with the program. I followed my own nutrition plan - I like to call it the "Plethora of crap" nutrition plan. I still got really good results, but they would have been much better had I followed the right eating plan. I think you'll find that the people with the best results followed the dietary guidelines with maybe a bit of modification in Phase I, as it seems to be heinously low in carbs.
"Plethora of crap" nutrition plan. ..


LOL .. that is strange .. I think I follow that same plan!! :7

{{ sometimes I feel so guilty seeing how all these dedicated ladies eat so clean .. and I ssoooooo do not }}}}
>Quick question.... do you follow a food guideline/diet... how
>strict is it? i see lots of people who have had results and I
>wonder if it's mainly because of changes in diet.

I didn't follow their guidelines. I did add a recovery drink (a soy-milk based beverage that has about a 4-to-1 carb-to-protein breakdown) as after-workout fuel, and I did watch what I ate a bit, but nothing drastically different or different from what I normally do.
Hi Carla,

My eating plan was similar to Shelley's :7 and I still got really good results, particularly with regard to my upper body.
So far I have not followed the diet plan, but I made a HUGE change. I am cutting out one diet pop a day and subbing it for tea and also for lunch everyday I am doing a Progressive Healthy Soup or Cambbells Select Soup. So that should help :)

before I used to have a turkey sandwich, but would also have chips or potato or something else with it, so I figure since the P90X was all about these soup recipes, that this would be a good start. My dinners I aim for PROTEIN :) Chicken - fish - whatever :)
I follow the diet pretty closel (just to be different). I found that the best results (if you are going for lean) come from following the diet.

Like Shelley said the 1st phase is tough! I'm about 3 lbs now lighter than I have been over the last 15 years.

So yes you can get very good results without following the diet to get GREAT results - I think you need to follow the diet more closely. The million dollar question is it is worth the effort! I do have a cheat day once a phase - need that for my sanity!

Gosh this didn't help at all ;)
Robyn, how much weight did you lose following the Phase 1 nutrition plan? Did you feel like you had enough energy to do the workouts on relatively low carbs?

(I've asked for P90X for Valentine's Day and sometime between now and then I have to decide if I'm going to do the hardcore diet that they recommend. I also follow Shelley's nutrition plan and quite enjoy it!)
I'm doing the X and *not* following thier diet. I am eating the same diet I ate previously. I am just being a little more strict with it then I had been before. I eat as clean as I can but I am far from perfect. It works for me though! :)
I also am not perfect -there are some folks that are I just can't do that.

My weight has been constant at 112 for over 20 years but I gained 5 lbs over 2 year period with my focus on family/health issues.

So going in I was 117. After phase I - 113 by the end of round 1 was 111.
So lost 4 lbs in Phase I (but I was higher than my standard).

Agree with Wendy - it's all about what works for you!

Boy I think I'm going to have to join one of these check-ins to see how everyone is doing with it :)
On the Phase Eating....

The book is pretty clear that you select the phase food plan based on you & your bodys needs... There is no "requirement" to start in Phase 1 with the lower carbs. The people I know who struggled with any of the plans either chose Phase 1 when it was just too low in carbs based on their prior eating / lifestyle OR failed to eat enough calories in Phase 1 so they were cutting carbs AND eating way fewer calories than the manual suggests.

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