For getnfit@39


I just read your note to AJ. It made me cry. You are truly a wonderful person. You are loyal to your friends. You are courageous, strong, kind and thoughtful and loving. There just isn't too many people around like you. Yet, the world would be a better place if there were.

What a marvelous thing you did in tribute for your friend, AJ.
I think you will be able to carry the new look with class. You are a classy lady.
AWWWWW shucks, you guys are gonna make me blush! :)

I can't imagine how she feels, for me it's a choice, for her the choice has been made, so I can only imagine being a woman, and we all know how fickle society is in the first place, how she must feel to have to wonder how others will perceive her. I can't imagine how something like losing your hair must play with your mind, so if in ANY small way joining her in her new look comforts her or at least offers some moral support, I'm more than happy to do it! :)
She and so many others were there for me in my DARKEST days (like the entire 300's) and unless you've been obese to that extreme, you'll just never know how comforting it was to have genuine love and support and daily guidance. They were like "cyber cheerleaders" pushing and some days pulling me closer to my goal.

So this is a small thing! And ya know, I always enjoy finding some new method of antagonizing my family anyway! :) So what joy to experience all the "Oh Lord, what have you gone and done now!?" I have to look forward to! :) After all, my family dubbed me the "flaky one" a long time ago, so this should just add to my resume! :)

But keep your fingers crossed that I don't have some odd shape to the back of my head or something! :)


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