For Annette ( Aqua-Jock).

TyTbody, you are a valuable member of these forums and you have gotten us all thinking. Don't go. This has been a learning experience for me and you were the catalyst. We get serious and we get light-hearted but we all return because we have a lot to learn from each other. It takes all the diverse women and the occasional men to do this. Being misunderstood is not so unusual and we need the opportunity to get to know you. I can't tell you how many times I have read the caution that the meaning of the written word is hard to fathom but here it is again. We got froggy but we all settle down quickly once we discuss. I have to apologize to because I thougt I had misconstrueded your meaning and now I know I did. To err is human, to forgive divine. We are divine so let's just move on!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
Wow, I misspelled feigning and premenstrually in this one. I don't think premenstually is a word. This is a sad state of affairs.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
Thank you for putting yourself out there like that. Gosh, I was feeling so down about all of this and your sentiments were a soft place to fall.

Please, tytbody let us thank you for this learning experience. Don't go. I really do get the sense that you have a sweet and strong spirit. Also, from the things you've posted you have such ambition to get this fitness thing together ( like us all...). Your enthusiasm is infectious and sorely needed around here.

Give all these ladies a chance to know you and you will learn how wonderful they are and how much we care about one another. dmd

Boy, I leave you kids alone for a few hours and look what you do! What AM I going to do with you all? ROCKY, get off that computer! If you all don't settle down RIGHT NOW, I am taking TV privileges away and that means VCRS/DVD players which means NO CATHE workouts for the rest of the week. (Did I hear someone say YIPEEE?) All is well. TytBody, we are glad to have you on board and sometimes, us old-timers get a lil' carried away. WELCOME and let's all get back to our ole selves. LOVE ya' all like you were my own.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Children!

Some people need a lesson in manners.

I can't believe that someone eles is having having a go at her on the "chat" post.

I am so embarrised to be here at the moment


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
RE: Children!

Now I know I'm pms'ing cuz I'm weepy. Lord, I have to get a grip. Thanks, Deb...I'm never going to Mr. McGreggors garden again, cuz I get myself into all sorts of trouble. dmd
RE: Children!

Lets just stand by her and try to be good stewards of this place. I'll always remember how good it felt to be welcomed by DebH 5 yrs. ago...dmd:)
>You know a flame war's in trouble when no one can figure out
>the subject of it.

LOL!!!!:7 :7 :7
>Bobbi - I'm thinkin', I'm thinkin'!
>Hmmmmmmmmm . . .
>Here's a good flame war starter:

LOL!!!:7 :7 :7 Even funnier....
>Personally I think flame war posts should be accompanied by
>dramatic music.... then we can make it almost aerobic. The
>theme from Jaws is always good to get the heart rate going,

Man, I am getting so many laughs out of this thread!! You guys are great!!:7 :7 :7
RE: Children!

I know it is soooo wrong, but I really enjoyed this thread!!

I love both the original poster and Annette, so I am totally neutral.

tytbody....please, no offense. dmd is BEGGING....;(

(ok, is that lil' smiling guy crying or what?? I hope so?):D
RE: Children!

Hey Janice~

You know, it was sooo difficult for me to broach the subject with Annette. She was good natured about it. Others were in a quandry, but ultimately found their own voice on the matter. Like you, what I found enjoyable about this thread was the heart it contained. We all really worked through some stuff here and realized ultimately what we need/want this forum to be. How we should regard one another. To be patient, tolerant, kind, helpful, lighthearted and good stewards of the forum.

Boy, I sure hope tytbody knows how we feel. Surely there will be those that will challenge and insult, there always have been such people. I think what we need to remember to do is to protect and insulate each other when this happens to someone. Not in kind, but gently and with maturity and grace.

Okay, well. We can continue this thread until perhaps tytbody comes to a proper welcome party. I'll decorate the thread with goodwill and intentions if y'all will help?

Tytbody, please join us here. Let us properly introduce ourselves and get to know you better. All are welcome:D dmd
RE: Children!

Ah, Debbie, you are so good you're bad, but not bad bad, good bad! And you are now going to be busy hugging everyone. If that gets tiresome remember it was DMD's idea. If you do single post cyberhugs, your number of posts will skyrocket. You'll be legendary. I want credit for that.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers

Whew, I FINALLY found someone to share in the BLAME for all my posts. Thank you very much! :7 BTW, thanks, you are too kind.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Children!

Rrrrra-ta-ta-ta-ta-TA:)Rrrra-ta-ta-ta-ta-TA:) :) :) :) :) Cyber-slyding with y'all:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Hey, Deb! Where's my slice of cake girl?!
RE: Bobbi!

Shoot Debbie, you just wanted a good reason to have a party and Cake! Guess we'll just have to keep the chatter going until our guest of honor joins us. Come on tytbody? This my cyber-disco queen days are numbered girl! Don't make me break out my maracas! dmd:p
I've had enough

>Boy, I sure hope tytbody knows how we feel. Surely there will
>be those that will challenge and insult, there always have
>been such people. I think what we need to remember to do is to
>protect and insulate each other when this happens to someone.
>Not in kind, but gently and with maturity and grace.
>Okay, well. We can continue this thread until perhaps tytbody
>comes to a proper welcome party. I'll decorate the thread with
>goodwill and intentions if y'all will help?
>Tytbody, please join us here. Let us properly introduce
>ourselves and get to know you better. All are welcome:D dmd

See, there's the thing...tytbody "interpretted" what I said as an insult--she said people were accusing her grammar and spelling & questioning her ethnicity. You know what I'm sick & tired of that kind of crap. I never insulted her & I think I made that point perfectly clear--see my reply #14 to this topic. And I have searched & searched, I can't find where anyone else insulted or demeaned her either.

She also chose to put herself as the topic of this thread. I'm sorry this will sound harsh (insulting?) but that is pretty freakin' arrogant if you ask me! This topic was not about her but was about how people perceive things correctly or incorrectly. To make it about one's self takes a lot of brass ones in my PMSing opinion.

Now everyone is all "Oh, I'm sorry tytbody." Let's everyone have a pity party for poor little tytbody. Nope. No one did anything that needs apologizing for & I think you all know it but are too politically correct to admit it.

I'm not sorry for what I said. I said what I meant & meant what I said. It was in no way insulting or demeaning. People need to get the hell over themselves & lighten up. This used to be a place for fun & fitness discussions now it's gotten no fun. Some very fine people have been chased away from here--HB, Gettinfit, Trevor among the first that come to mind--because of this bickering & back biting.

Everyone needs to quit imposing their "rules" on each other, accept what is said with a grain of salt & move on. Don't worry about who is answering Cathe's threads. If you want an answer from Cathe only--say so in your post. Otherwise know that there are some very educated people here that can answer just as well as the grand dame! If you want a thread shut down because you think it is out of control--email Cathe/Chris directly. If they feel it needs to be shut down, they will do it--believe me I've done it & seen that thread shut down immediately. Posting a "flaming" thread isn't useful or constructive.

Well, I think I've said enough on this topic. I am moving on. See you in the funny pages.

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