Football Fans

I LOVE football. I will watch (almost) any game even if I don't care who wins.

HOWEVER, this season I am going BONKERS!!! The refs are calling EVERY LITTLE THING and I can hardly stand it anymore! If I see one more yellow flag, I very well may lose it!
DH JUST e-mailed this to me:

"Good news- since the hurricane is probably going to hit Florida on Sunday, they moved the Miami/Kansas City game to Friday night. We will have an extra day of football this weekend!"

CLARIFICATION: We are NOT happy Florida is being hit by a hurricane, we are happy for an extra day of "fooseball".
I am a converted college football fan. My DH is a pro fan, and like you will watch any game. If I want to see him on Sundays, I have to watch football, too - which is no hardship for me.

You know, I've notice that too! The games are running longer because of it as well. Not fun.
I have only gotten into football in the last year. I grew up with it always being on around me, I just never paid much attention, but I'm really loving it and getting into it.

I went to the Seattle Seahawks game this last Sunday and had a blast. Strange though, one of the players got into a bar fight after winning and almost died! I guess he's doing better now, but one of the guys he fought with was found shot to death 3 hours after the fight!! Of course they are saying there was no connection, but I'm not convinced yet...
You are right about those yellow flags. So annoying. Especially when they are flying against your team!

Brandi, I envy you. I've never been to a pro football game. I would love to get to a Steeler game.
STEELERS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite!!! That Monday night game (not last Monday but the one before) kicked ass!!!!!! I was so freaking tired but I was laying there holding one eye open to watch that game! That has to be the BEST game there will be all year! him but so glad Cower is not my dad!!
Sarah...I'm so glad you're a big football fan too! I grew up watching both college and pro and have the games on all weekend too! College is my favorite. I don't know too many girls besides me (and family) who like it as much as I do.

Funny though...DH was never really a fan until he met me. I watch alot more football than he does! I like to have the games on even if I'm not watching and just cleaning house...I can stop and watch when something exciting happens and then continue on!

I just LOVE this time of year!!

:) Nicole
Sarah, You're from Cinncie? Don't you route for the Bungals, I mean the Bengals. I was up late for that game too. I wish this past weeks game would have been as good.
I LOVE football too!!! My family is die-hard Oregon Duck alumni and fans - so we are more in-tune with college football right now. I just love going to the college games - they are SO much fun. Although there have been a few times when I have been standing around at a tailgaiter with my brother and sister at 11:30am drinking beer and would think - "Man - wouldn't mom be proud!" - hehe...

Both of my boys play - so every Saturday I get to go to 2 of their games as well. I just LOVE it - especially since my older son is awesome - I just love to watch (and hear) those big tackles he makes.
Wasn't that Monday Night game the Steelers vs. Chargers?

Yup...I live in San Diego so I remember that game well!! All I can say is I always have and always will support my local team (nobody throw anything at me) We used to have season tickets and that was a blast even though we usually lost! Our tailgating started at 9:30 am with drinking beer and chocolate donuts. younger days when I could survive a Sunday like that!

I would LOVE to see either Pittsburgh or Green Bay play at home. Good Luck getting tickets, huh?

:) Nicole
I love college football! Will watch some NFL, but perfer the college game. I graduated from Texas Tech University and my team has a very tough game this week against the University of Texas. We are both undefeated and in the top 10. I have a funny story. I went into labor with my first child on a Friday morning November 17, 2000 and before we could leave the house I told my husband to turn the VCR for the Tech vs OU game. Unfortunately we lost the game.
Yes, I am in Cincinnati so I *should* be a Bengals fan but I am not the "bandwagon" type. I wish them well...I really do but if i here "who-dey" one more freaking time!!!!

I grew up in Northeast Ohio...12 minutes from the PA border so I was raised to stand behind the Steelers...back in the Bradshaw days!

I don't care who your team is...just get in the game and have some FUN!!!
Steelers BAH!!! I grew up on the other side of PA, but I'm not a big Eagles fan - and it's basically against the law to be a Steelers fan where I grew up (that's the LEFT side of the state *sneers*) so I'm a Ravens fan. I'm also a Patriots fan (they are not doing too well this year, but oh well), and I like the 49'ers now (who are also don't doing too well *shrugs*). And please, I am joking about the teams - I love football - no matter who plays.

I also am privledged to see football in its purest state. My daughter is a cheerleader and we attend every high school football game. I really enjoy the high school games, even though we ALWAYS lose, it just fun to watch the kids and sit outside in the cool evening air eating a veggieburger (hey, it's California) and cheering on the home team, the cheerleaders and the band.

I also LOVE football. Unfortunately we (me & DH) are Vikings fans and they SUCK this year!!!! But, it's still fun to watch. DH also has a fantasy football team, so we watch other games as well. I would much rather watch Saturday or Sunday or Monday night football than regular programming!! And, hey, this week there will be Friday football also!!
I am from the southeast and it's all about college football around here! Most especially the SEC!

My team (and alma mater) is the Georgia Bulldogs. We are ranked #4 in the nation and undefeated! GO DAWGS!! :D
HUGE football fan here but only PRO!..I grew up in Southern Cal...and rooted for the same team as my Dad (who taught me all about football at 12 years old!)[/img]
then there is DH's fav...[/img]
another fav of my Dad...[/img] and how could you not like Culpepper...:)...[/img] and because of Marcus Allen...I like this one too...[/img] So this could be why I have the NFL ticket from Direct TV???? I like most of the teams really....but 3 I don't like and funny...I don't have their helmets....:+ :7 }( ....Carole

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