foot stress fracture??


Anyone here ever had a stress fracture in their foot? My right foot has been bugging me for a month or so, and it is getting more frequent. I really notice it AFTER (not during) running, or during step when that is the lead leg stepping up and bearing all my weight. Now, it is starting to hurt walking barefoot. Shoes are ok, unless I am going more than 10 mins or so. To counter, I've been walking more on the outside of my foot, which isn't good, either. Its a sharp pain that runs from my big toe to my ankle bone, the worst being right in the middle of that line, almost directly above the arch. It doesn't hurt to touch there, but to press on it feels bruised with pain in the big toe joint. I know I need to go to the DR, but I don't want to be wrapped up, taped up, booted up, and put on rest. (Yes, I know thats the best thing for me) Plus, it costs $$ to go to DR (I have health ins, I'm just being cheap). So here I am trying to self diagnose and decided if I'm broken or just a sprain of some sort. Any foot-injured people around? What's wrong with my foot? The interwebznet has not been helpful.

I'm dealing with foot pain as well... :( My dr says it could possibly be a stress fracture, though nothing showed up in the X-ray yet. (I guess it's typical for some stress fractures to show only after they've started healing & the calcification becomes visible.) I'm supposed to be taking 2 weeks off running, with 1 week of that on complete rest, then we're reevaluating.

Do you think it could be plantar fasciitis? With the big toe hurting, I don't know that fits... but I know arch pain is a big symptom of it. Just a thought. Here's a link for more info:,7120,s6-241-286--6710-0,00.html

So sorry you're hurting!!! ((((HUGS))))

i'm recovering from a complete fracture of my 3rd metatarsal. i never had anypain prior to the break, and now i am completely non-wt bearing for 4 weeks (and i normally run 50-60 miles per week). i strongly recommend going to the dr so you do not do any avoidable damage.
I recently went to the doctor for foot pain to rule out a stress fracture. The x-ray was clear and he said it could be fractured, but more likely the bone was bruised. He told me to take a week off of running and buy better shoes.

I think I figured out my problem. I run outdoors and the foot that hurts is the higher part of the "lean" on my run. I think that foot is slamming down harder than the other one and causing the injury. I am trying to make sure I don't always run against traffic so that I even out the "lean" effect.

I fractured the 5th metatarsal on my right foot almost two years ago. I was a cardio freak back then and it only took a small trip in my apartment at the time to crack the bone. I couldn't weight bare at all without pain. My ortho did not cast me (thank God!), but he did tape up my foot and told me to stay off it for about 6 weeks, at which time I slowly put pressure back on the foot until it was back to normal. I was so upset over not being able to do my cardio, but I found alternative ways to stay in shape. I took up swimming and for the first time I really started getting into weight training. My body was actually never so rested & happy!!

So, since your foot is only getting worse, I say you MUST go to the doctor to at least find out what is wrong. I know you're afraid of being told to rest, but if you don't do it now you may end up worse off in the long run. Plus, be encouraged to know there are still exercises you can do while recovering (ie - swimming (as long as you don't get a cast) and non-bearing weight training. I used to go to the gym with my crutches and all to do weights. For legs, you can use the leg press/hamstring curl machines. Other people at the gym actually told me they found it inspiring! If you work out at home, you can continue with Cathe's floor work for legs, and sit in a chair while you do upper body. Resting your foot doesn't mean no exercise for "x" amount of weeks!

Hang in there and feel better!

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I had a stress fracture of a small bone on the bottom of my foot. The doctor did not tape it or anything, but I had custom orthotics made, and he did not want me to do any high impact exercise on it for 3 weeks. I was able to do stationary bike and elliptical. He also said that swimming was fine. After that time it was much better, and I was able to go back to step and kickbox, with only fleeting pain that got better over time. Now it rarely hurts at all.

I think you should see the doctor, period. If you have broken a bone and it does not heal properly, you could be setting yourself up for chronic foot problems. Who knows, you might even need surgery to fix it. Better to take a few weeks off now to prevent chronic problems later!
foot fracture

Your really need medical attention, to go on line & ask for medical advise for something like a possible fracture is insane. If you do have a stress fracture it will heal by itself in about 4 to 6 weeks if you stay off of it. If you do have a fracture & you are prone to them your doctor might order a bone density test too.

You really should go see a doctor
Like another poster above, I also fractured my 5th metatarsal. I did not let it heal properly, so I fractured it again about 6 months later. Good think I saved those crutches and "space boot"!!

PLEASE go see a doctor!

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