foot pain?


Hi there Cathe or anyone with help,

I've just started noticing pain to the top of my feet, kind of on the top side of the ball of my foot. I think it has to do with the lunges. Maybe my back foot is too far back? Or is it that I'm trying to use more weight than I can handle? Could it be that I just need shoes with better forefoot support/cushioning? If anyone has had the same experience or has any tips on maintaing better form I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

I get this when my shoes are either too tight or too narrow for my feet. I used to have that pain all the time, even when I wasn't wearing my sneakers. Until a shoe salesman told me it is bec I was wearing narrow sneakers (NIKE at that time). I switched to a wider sneaker and I rarely have the problem anymore.
Thanks, I recently picked up wider shoes and it seems to have made a difference already. Only time will tell.....thanks for the replies...........happy workouts!!
Sometimes this can happen also if the shoe is laced too tightly. If this is a regular occurrance in several shoes, you may consider choosing a shoe with laces that start higher up on the foot as opposed to laces that start more toward the toes.

I agree with the above posters that a too narrow shoe can cause this. Can also cause numbness, which was my problem. A wider shoe not too tightly laced solved my foot pain problems.
I keep having heal/ankle pain in my left foot since I've been doing Cathe cardio. I bought a cloth brace but I still have pain. The day after doing HSTA, I can barely put weight on it! I had a minor break and torn muscle in my left ankle back in '97 but I don't think it would be causing the pain. I've been in pain since April/May. It hurts from my pinky toe all the way back to my heal and up the side of my leg but not into my calf or shin.

I found a puzzel type mat(saving $$ for) I could put down on the floor b/c there is virtually no padding under the carpet and I feel like I'm working out out pure concrete!

I'm wondering if I should go to a chiropractor and have it X-rayed.

Any thoughts?

~Reece Out~
Whenever pain is unrelenting, with everything you've tried and how long it has been, it's time to have a professional take a look at it. Hey, it can't hurt to just get a doc's opinion, and at least have peace of mind (we hope!)...Well good luck!.....have you tried ice and antiinflamatories?...just a thought...Bye for now.
"have you tried ice and antiinflamatories?..."

It just so happens that last month my eye specialist was treating me for trochleaitis(sp?) which is like tendonitis. He had me on 1200mg of IBuprofen a day! I didn't notice any improvement in my ankle or my eyes! I have iced it on days I can't put wt on it. Maybe I should do that more regular.

I think I'm going to get it x-rayed. I might be out of the game for a while though... but I guess thats better than being in the game and in pain.

~Reece Out~

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