Foot Fettish???


HA! made you look!

but seriously as I sit here... thinking of getting off my butt and getting to cleanmax and laundrymax, and rather successfully procrastinating... I am pondering my feet! My heels are dry and cracked, even with the use of a pumace stone every-so-often after a long shower... I have tried the foot lotions and wearing footies at night, but find that to be too warm, even in winter, so gave up on that... I have found that a very coarse nail file works pretty well to scrub away most of the dry skin (I even use a dremmel on DH's heels), but I can't seem to get it to go away completely without scrubbing the skin clean off!

Besides pedicures, that tend to be either expensive and/or irritate a mild ingrown toenail for me... What do you do to care for your feet?
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Hey, Dani! I am a pedicure junkie, but I'm trying to cut back to save $$. And your post is timely, because my feet are SAD and I'm planning to give them some TLC tonight. I have the dry heel problem, plus callused areas on my big toes. I actually use an acid gel that I bought at a beauty supply store to help dissolve some of the "layers;" I use that after soaking my feet for a while. It works very well! I also use scrubs and lotions as part of my home pedi. And I *know* that if I used a lotion with AHAs every night, it would help keep my feet softer, but I just don't use it often enough. I always feel better with pretty polish on my toenails, and though I'm not as good at it as my regular pedicurist (?), adding some color will be part of my process.

I think I'm going to ask for a pedicure gift certificate for the holidays; I don't care for massages, but for me, professional pedicures are an all-over relaxer!

I slather on Vaseline before I put my workout socks on...after I workout my feet are super soft. I do this almost every morning.

I also use a callous razor you can get at most stores actually, and use it once a week on my feet. I despise callouses and get them on the sides of my big toes, balls of my feet and heels. It takes all the dead skin off, but you must soak your feet for awhile to get them really soft, never try it on dry skin! Then run a pumice stone over them. Perfection. :)
I use Aquaphor which is similar to vaseline before workouts too. feels a little slimy at first but gets better quickly.
BTW I love the laundrymax and cleaningmax workout terms...about all I got done today...but I did find time for a "cuddlemax" with my 2 yr old DS :D
Thanks all for the suggestions! I'll have to check my local beauty supply! I'm sure that the acid stuff is what the pedicurist uses with that funky psuedo-pumace block at the salon! Thanks Allison, I never thought that this stuff might be available to Joe Public!

Katie I LOVE BBW!!! I go there all the time, but have to admit that I have never seriously scoured (no pun intended) the foot care shelves!

Tneah/Julie: I have never thought of doing this before my workouts... I would definately have to get used to the "slimy" feeling in my shoes, but hey, I'm game for anything that works!

I think I'll pass on the razor thingy though... I won't even let the professionals use it on me (mostly for hygiene reasons) and would probably amputate a toe or something trying to do it myself! :eek:

Guess I know where I'm going after work tomorrow!

thanks for the suggestions :)

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