
Shoe Princess

Active Member
I would love a tape/DVD of a tough floorwork workout for the butt, hips and thighs using ankle weights and maybe a stability ball.
I second this one....would LOVE like a 30-40 minute workout of all butt/hips/thigh work using ankle weights, stability ball, WHATEVER!

Yes, Yes, Yes!!! This would make for a refreshing change from all of the standing leg work that we do. Your lower body workouts have done great things for me, but I also think floorwork exercises really help with those "problem areas".;-)
I would love this, too. Saves my knees a little. I'd love to see some floor work that hits the quads without hurting the knees!
Thank you Cathe!
This would work very well with add ons to other leg workouts. I love this idea. Using ankle weights is tougher for me than just squats.
I'd like to see this in the same style as Core Max - having 3 different workouts to choose from.

I like this too! Maybe use the same format as Core Max. Three w/o's each 20 to 30 minutes long.

One using ankle weights
One using stability ball
One using the resistance band

Susan C.M.
Susan - I think you are on to something there :) I would love to see those three sections - all the diehards can do the entire thing for one great leg burning workout or on days where you are shorter on time, you can add one on to a jog or something!!!!

Cathe - I really think you could sell this one big time and make a great difference in our problem spot - LOL - if she reads these posts.................floor work can really get in those tough to reach spots -- - - ----
i agree i woul love to have a video on fit tv with a floor workout and some with using just the stability ball.....diva1144:) :)

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