Floorwork Question


Active Member
Hi Cathe (and everyone else, again!),

I have a question about the floorwork in PS Legs. During the side leg lifts (for outer thighs), I usually get so fatigued in the hip and glute area that I don't really feel it in my outer thigh exactly.

I do not have a bodybar, I have been trying to do the floorwork with 3 lb. ankle weights. I do have a barbell, but I like to keep the weights on it for the standing leg work (16 lbs. total, I'm working my way up slowly!!).

Is it just me, or do others have this problem too?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

PS leg - outer thigh

Hi Jessica,

I also have just started doing the PS series and found that exercise very challenging (to say the least)! I have a body bar (18 lbs) and really strained to do the reps. I really try to make sure my hips were "stacked" and sort of felt I was leaning forward. This seemed to make me feel it in the thigh and also glute area.

The inner thigh exercise is really hard for me. It was almost impossible for me to not rest my leg down after each "lift" (if I can call it a lift). I think I should probably try the ankle weights until these muscles are stonger. Any advice on these anyone?


Hi Jessie & Lynn!

I have a couple of students that come to my classes that claim that ankle weights make their hips ache and they wear their ankle weights above the knee(don't know if I could fit one around that area on me!!Hee-Hee!)See if that helps or of course you can HOLD a weight on your outer thigh. Good Luck, maybe Cathe or someone else can jump in here.

Use a dumbbell

I always use a dumbbell (15 lbs) for the inner and outer thigh floor work. I initially tried to use an ankle weight and quickly changed my mind and used the dumbbell. I find this works out well. Also, you can switch to a lighter weight quickly when your leg starts to fatigue.

Wow! You guys are amazing

I have done PS rotations more than once and I have never worked up to ANY weight on the outer thigh lifts. And I can barely finish the reps when doing them!!!
Hi Jessica!

Even though the glute and hip are super fatigued, the outer thigh muscle is still being challenged. All of these muscles work together during the lifting motion. To help distribute the stress a bit, you can try the options that the others have mentioned or change your leg position to challenge the muscles from another angle. Sometimes the changed angle will keep your glute from fatiguing so soon. You can try lying on your side with your legs drawn in (either straight leg or bent knee). So your body would be shaped like an L. Hope this helps.
Lorrayne - Just one more question

How do you use the dumbbell with these exercises? Do you balance them on the upper part of your leg? It sounds like a good idea since I have so many dumbbell sizes.

Hi Lynn!!

I'll jump in here~~YES, just put the dumbell on the upper part of your outer thigh, (a little higher then 1/2 way up between the hip & knee.). Does that make sense to you? For the inner thigh, you can hold it midway between your groin area & knee. This should work well for you & if they get too heavy just remove them. Hope this helps.



I completely agree with Debbie's post. Her description is outstanding. I couldn't describe it any better than she. Thanks, Debbie, for responding.

Thanks for the explanation

Thanks Debbie and Lorrayne for the explanation. I think I will try it the next time I do PS legs/ abs which I think is probably Sat in this weeks rotation.

Boy did your suggestions help!!

Hi Cathe (and everyone else)...

I did PS Legs again tonight, and all I can say is WOW!

I used my 3 lb. ankle weights, and I was wishing I hadn't gotten such good advice!! Boy did I feel that floorwork in the right spots this time!

I hope I can walk tomorrow... :)

Thanks again!
Great Jessica!

Glad it worked well for you. I hope you can walk tomorrow also!!
It's a super workout!


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