It was not a big deal to put the foam cubes on the plywood. My DH and I did it in less than an hour and that included measuring and cutting the plywood pieces to fit the room. I would maybe suggest having older kids do it rather than younger ones. They do need to be spaced apart in a pattern so I wouldn’t have a 5 year old doing it and sticking the cubes in haphazard places (or smiley faces

I didn’t use double face tape so I am not sure what Karen is meaning by that. Is double face tape used with linoleum and not laminate? Maybe it is meant to help keep the linoleum from shifting place on top of the subfloor? I guess I don't have a problem with that because of the sound/insulation barrier I put down between the subfloor and the laminate and because my weights act as .. well weight to hold down the laminate floor in place.
We used Shaw laminate (my post above includes a link to what I used-purchased at Menards). It is basically tongue and groove particle board made to look like hardwood floor. I have no problems whatsoever pivoting but it also gives enough traction so neither the step nor myself are sliding all over the place (my dogs on the other hand have a problem with slipping and sliding

You mentioned rolling up the laminate flooring when you move but laminate flooring doesn’t roll. Laminate flooring is sold as planks (8” x 48” planks) that you snap together end to end and side to side. Linoleum will roll up. I believe they sell glueless linoleum but I didn’t look into it as I liked the look of laminate and we don’t have plans to move anytime in the near 30 years.
Karen told me I shouldn’t lift weights or store the weight equipment on the flooring but I figure Cathe uses the same flooring and she has had tons of weight on the floor (think STS-all those people--all that weight) and it doesn’t seem to be hurting it. I did decide to put my treadmill in a different room as I figured that was definitely too heavy for the floor. However, when I got my spin bike this June, I am keeping that in the room and it is on the floor.
I put down the thin weight equipment mat (like the kind you would put under a treadmill) on top of my laminate to store my weight equipment on. I just bought these at Wal-Mart. Basically I didn’t want the metal pieces of the dumbbell and plate racks scratching my floor. When I bring out my weight equipment, I have some scrap pieces of that same mat that I set the dumbbells on while I am not lifting them. I am just paranoid about scratching the floor so this is probably overkill. I actually already scratched it when I tried scooting the turbo tower on the floor. The tower scratched the floor a little so now I put a mat under that when I pull it out.
While the flooring has only been in for a couple months, I have not had any problems with storing/lifting weights and with having my spin bike on the floor (other than my tower mishap and scratching the floor-that was all me though

). Let me know if I didn’t get one of your questions answered or if you have more questions to ask.
Hope that helps!