FitPrime Rebounder Video with Tracie Long


Has anyone tried this tape yet? This rebounding thing is new to me. I use most of the Firm (not the new ones), FitPrimes and Cathe tapes and I would like some input on this type of exercise.
I've used about a dozen rebounding tapes, and I like this one the best. It includes some resistance work, but minimal--one set of exercises for each muscle group, except for legs, which get two, and shoulders, which aren't targeted with isolation moves. I really like the moves (fun and effective) and Tracie is at her best. She seems like she's really having fun (and not just saying "that was fun," like a Firm-bot). I just wish the workout were on DVD!
I also have the tape with the 1/4 fold ReboundAir. It's a great workout. Really works up a sweat!
I just tried this workout yesterday. (G-Force) My clothes were soaked afterwards, and I couldn't believe it because it was too fun! :p

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