FitnessFreak I love your rotations, Give us more!!!!


Hi, I just wanted to say I followed the last 2 rotations you posted by the letter and I have seen great results!! Yipee, I was wondering if you are going to post another this month? PLEASEEEE! Thanks for your great work, Lori
YAY! i LOVE her rotations too! I'm starting the circuit mix rotation this month. I'm pretty excited about that but it would be nice to see a rotation that i can do next month! Thanks so much!
I'm also doing her Circuit mix rotatin. I'm on the 5th day on the first week. Last month i did her Another Strength Rotation, I'm seeing excellent results!
RE: FitnessFreak I love your rotations, Give us more!!!...

Another one here that loves her rotations. I plan on doing the Endurance rotation next month.
RE: FitnessFreak I love your rotations, Give us more!!!...

You are all so sweet! Thanks so much. I'm going to do up a rotation hopefully later or tomorrow. Stay tuned...
I too LOVE your rotations!
I bet you're thinkin' "Hey, how much can I charge these FitnessFreak groupies!!!
I read all your posts- you are full of wisdom and have accomplished so much... Thank you for helping us out so much on all the forums!
Hi FitnessFreak (Debbie)-

Just a suggestion but can you also list a generic type of rotation for your rotations for us people who don't have many of Cathe's tapes. Your rotations are great but it is sometimes hard to figure out what I should be doing each day when I don't have a specific workout.

Just a thought,
>Yes, I will do that, Rhonda. Thats a great idea.
>I'm still working on the newest one. Hopefully will get it
>posted later today.

Thanks Debbie,

As you probably figured out I am one that doesn't have many Cathe workouts.

Question for you all:

Would you be interested in a combination rotation using workouts and freestyle exercises? Thats what I'm doing this month and I'm really enjoying it. But I'm not sure others would like it. If not, I'll stick with workout videos.
Hi Debbie. I prefer using just the tapes. I just finished your circuit mix rotation and I definitely feel like my endurance improved. Thanks again. Looking forward to your next one.


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