Fitness Goals and Results


I have had a recurring dream practically my whole life that I could do a split, with my groin area comfortably resting on the floor and my arms up in the air like a cheerleader. (How geeky is THAT?) Anyway, I turned 40 in December 2001, and to help me "enjoy" this milestone, I decided to set my first fitness goal -- to do above said split. I incorporated yoga into my routine and was able to do the split (although not comfortably and not with my arms up!) within 4 months or so. When I turned 41 last December, my goal was to be able to do 5 big girl pushups. I am a tall long-limbed ectomorph and have never been able to do even ONE, although I've been working out for years. About 3 weeks ago, I did my first one, then last week, I did 3, and then yesterday I reached my goal of 5! (I attribute this achievement to the Intensities with all of the core work as well as yoga and Pilates.) I've decided to get a jumpstart on my goal for 42, which is to do the teaser, a Pilates move that is absolutely impossible for me right now. My abs are notoriously weak but I've recently noticed -- dare I say it -- some DEFINITION there and I've also been able to keep up with Cathe a little better, although I still modify heavily! How many of you set fitness goals and what results have you seen?

Oh, and since that first split last year, my arms are gleefully waving in the air!
Good for you.....sad to say but I rarely have goals.Maybe I should! You just gave me an idea!:p
This year my goal was to run further.I have been running 8-10 kms for the last 3 yrs, now I run 12kms every once in a while.When I get to 10 kms I normally see how I feel and if I think I can add a little more on , then I will.I can't run 12kms everyday, or run everyday for that matter b/c me knees will ne very sore.
I did make a goal yesterday but it wasn't fitness related.I am going to be debt free by the time I am 30.I have 5 yrs to do it.Minus the house.I am going to considertrate on paying off my student loans, instead of paying the minimum.I think even 20-40 extra dollars a month can make a big difference in the end.I started small though.I am going to pay off my $500 visa that I never use.That should be pretty easy, I such a geek.:p
Oh very good topic!!!! I'm turning 39 on Monday. So, I've been contemplating what 40 means. I'm not dreading it like so many people do. I'm very comfortable with the idea of aging, however, I DO NOT want to get "old." I feel there is a big difference in age & old. Currently, I've been concentrating on losing body fat & have been pretty successful for about 4 weeks now. However, I still have a ways to go before I get to my weight goal.

So, I'm putting this in writing & making it a goal. By this time next year, I will be in "Cathe Shape." I will have a six pack & incredible arms. How's that for ambition?

I'm going to be debt free this Friday!!! Woo-Hoo! I'm getting a big bonus and am using it to pay off my debts. It's gonna be so nice!! My goal will be to rarely use my credit cards, and if I do, I will pay the balance off in FULL every month!!!

My fitness goals are to just lose 5-10 more pounds (I've lost 10 so far) and keep on keeping on with my workouts! :p
Something I've noticed about achieving these two goals is that, although the side benefits have been aesthetic (e.g., more definition, less flab), I wasn't really going after this, and the real benefits were physical -- more flexibility and greater strength in a huge trouble spot for me. My goals were specific, relatively small (and thus achievable - a HUGE motivator), and related to physical as opposed to aesthetic benefits. Of course I'm thrilled to visually see the benefits, but I feel we sometimes focus too much on "better arms" or "six-pack abs" and lose sight of all of the other, perhaps more beneficial aspects of exercise. Teaser here I come!
I set myself the goal of being able to do 30 push-ups on my 30th birthday....I never did make it (only got to 26), but it was so motivating to have a very clear and well-defined goal.
I should set myself another one - I too have always had weak abs, so maybe my new goal for my 34th birthday should be to do all the inverted pikes in PUB with Cathe and the gang (right now I can barely get half of one in before I roll of the ball). In fact, I think I just talked myself into going for it! Sept. is going to be here before I know it.


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