I have had a recurring dream practically my whole life that I could do a split, with my groin area comfortably resting on the floor and my arms up in the air like a cheerleader. (How geeky is THAT?) Anyway, I turned 40 in December 2001, and to help me "enjoy" this milestone, I decided to set my first fitness goal -- to do above said split. I incorporated yoga into my routine and was able to do the split (although not comfortably and not with my arms up!) within 4 months or so. When I turned 41 last December, my goal was to be able to do 5 big girl pushups. I am a tall long-limbed ectomorph and have never been able to do even ONE, although I've been working out for years. About 3 weeks ago, I did my first one, then last week, I did 3, and then yesterday I reached my goal of 5! (I attribute this achievement to the Intensities with all of the core work as well as yoga and Pilates.) I've decided to get a jumpstart on my goal for 42, which is to do the teaser, a Pilates move that is absolutely impossible for me right now. My abs are notoriously weak but I've recently noticed -- dare I say it -- some DEFINITION there and I've also been able to keep up with Cathe a little better, although I still modify heavily! How many of you set fitness goals and what results have you seen?
Oh, and since that first split last year, my arms are gleefully waving in the air!
Oh, and since that first split last year, my arms are gleefully waving in the air!