Fitness friends


The "secretive" thread got me thinking: My friends have really wide-ranging interests and lives, but when I think about it, the friends that I spend the most time with are the ones who like to be active. My closest friend right now doesn't workout in any structured way, but she loves to walk. So whenever we get together, we wind up walking across half the city, or doing things like going to the botanical gardens and walking for 4 hours straight (I made the mistake of using my treadmill that morning, too--ouch!). By the way, she is pushing 70 years old--she's my hero. When I lived in NJ, my closest friend there was a woman whose idea of doing something on the weekend was biking for 2-3 hours and then going for a swim in the condo's pool.

Do you have friends as active as you are? I wish more of my friends were this way--I hate going to a friend's and just sitting all day.
Hi BunBun. I have a few friends that are active, but we don't really compare notes or hang out with each other much. I know what you mean though. I hate going over say my IL's and just sitting. I need to be moving. Your friends sound awesome! :)

I did inspire a friend to start lifting again so we're going to start working out together next month. So I'm looking forward to that. I talk to him about you guys, and Cathe and the w/o's we do. It is nice to have "someone" who listens and likes to talk about this stuff though.

I have to say ,That my best friend was so tickled and so surprised that I lost 50 pounds ,and she keeps watching my body change that well Shes just a tiny thing without working out . But She finally approached me about 4 months ago So I turned her onto some of my beginner workout tapes ,its gone from there and she just ordered Cathe's beginner DVD's .Shes not as dilagent as I am ...But her body is so differant then mine !! LOL Its so fun though we talk for hours and hours about our fitness goals . We even show each other our muscles ,and our pooches !! And our dissappearing saddle bags ! LOL I dont even do that with my hubby LOL We have yet to actually do a workout together ...cuz she lives 68 miles from me . Other then that I really have to rollerblade alone Ski with my family ,When I think about it No one eles Really understands me in my whole new LIFESTYLE execpt you guys . I would so die without this support system ... Ok I could go on and on ! LOL I gotta get more later:)
Mary--that's great about your friend. How nice that you inspired her! This palce is great.

Kali--only one of my friends is like that right now. One of my oldest friends smokes constantly. I love her to death, and she tries to be considerate by smoking only in her kitchen when I'm there, but I just hate visiting her. I come out smelling like smoke no matter what and also coughing half the time.
I have a good friend who is active, I met her when I was taking a course of personal trainning, she loved to bike and I do bike too, but I didnt know she liked to bike fast so I noticed she left me way behind, ok, fine, I started to speed up, but then I noticed she was into mileage and being so technical that I got bored, we went to a few bike events, by then she got a mountain bike like me, easy to keep up I was speeding like her but then she got a super dooper fast road bike and she just left me behind, biking together is not fun, so I am not biking with her anymore, I also noticed she like pilates and yoga, good for her, not me, I like stepping and running, she doesnt. So I find me sometimes having boring conversations, we are sort of competitive, she makes her point very clear that she have fun with her activities and so do I, the whole thing makes me feel like I dont want to talk about fitness with her anymore so now we just hang out and do shopping and talk about life.
Agreed--it's not fun if it becomes a competitive thing. The friend I used to bike with wasn't like that, so I was lucky. In fact, her husband was raced competitively and he would sometimes come with us. He would either use our ride as a warm up to his normal workout, or he'd go out ahead and then circle back to meet up with us again. Either that or he would lead us up killer hills and we'd all be traveling about the same speed! }(
I am extremely lucky to have a group of very fit friends. We met in a Spinning class & started hiking regularly. We hiked the Grand Canyon last winter & are climbing Half Dome in Yosemite in October. Two swim regulary, most of us cycle, two of us are into yoga, two of us are into pilates, & we're all into eating healthfully.

We also do non-fitness activities, lunches & plays, but we really do have a great time playing outside together.

But yes, I do have plenty of sedentary friends & family members. They're not critical, they just don't get it.

Wow, Halfdome! Good luck, Debra! I'm too chicken to be that high without a net. (Like I'd go if there were a net, either.)

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