fitness freak question


Active Member
Dear fitness freak,

I notice a lot of people asking you different questions. I hope you don't mind but I have one for you, too. What order should I be doing my workouts in? I have imax 3, kickmax, bodymax 2, and timesaver cardio. If I don't do at least 45 min. of cardio 4 days a week though I am not satisfied. WHat do you think. Recently, I have been doing bm2 90 min. 1 day a week and the 70 or 80 min. 2 days and then on other 2 days either imax3 or kickmax. What is your opinion? You seem like you really know your stuff. THanks.:)
I am doing 3 days of weight training: bodymax full 90 min. one day and then only cardio, abs, and arms other 2 days. 2 days of exercise are cardio and abs only. total of 5 days working out.
So run me a breakdown of the workouts you are doing and the order you are doing them in. Or was that in your first post? I think you need more weight lifting workouts other then BM2.
What would be some good weight workouts? I have cardio timesaver and then mostly the rest of my dvd's are firm or kathy smith: lift weights to lose weight 2 and her power circuit weights: project you. I only have cathe: kickmax, imax3, timesaver, and bm2. What do you recommend?
Muscle Max is a must have along with the Pyramid workouts. My personal favorite lifting series is Gym Style, but if you aren't looking ot build muslce then I'd stick with the full body workouts like MM or Power Hour. Cathe has so many excellent workouts, it's hard to choose just one or two. But these would get you started.
thanks. With the ones I currently have, what order do you think I should do? I have been doing bm2 3 times a week: once full workout and twice cardio and weight premix.
You also need some leg workouts. I'd recommend Butts & Guts, Pyramid Lower Body (along with upper body) and Legs & Glutes. With what you have, this is what I would do:

Day 1: Cardio (Imax 3)
Day 2: Upper Body (BM2 Double Upper Body premix)
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Cardio (Kick Max)
Day 5: Cardio & Weights (BM2 C&W premix)
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Cardio (Time Saver Cardio)

I personally think you need a leg day in there as well. But with what you have, this is how I would set up the rotation. Only thing is when you go from Day 7 to Day 1 you have two cardio workouts in a row. I guess this is ok, but you really need to concentrate more on weight training.

Also, you don't have to continually do 70-90 minute workouts. Less is best. Keep your workouts to an hour (unless you are doing all of BM2 but I would recommend splitting that one up).
Thank you so much! I will try this. The only thing that is hard for me is the no cardio on upper body day. I feel if I don't do cardio everyday I haven't exercised. I'm goofy about that. I have an all leg workout on timesaver cardio. It is from step, jump, pump and legs and glutes. WHere should I add that in? WHat will more concentration on weight training do for me and why do you think I should? I will try to stick to no more than an hour workout. It's hard b/c it is addicting.:) :) :) :)
Well, if you don't mind working out six days a week, I'd stick the leg workout in with Day 3.

The reason I say to lift more is because if you are looking to tone and shed body fat, this is the only way to do it. Cardio is good for the heart and will help with shedding body fat, but not near as much as lifting will. I use to be a cardio bunny but was a "skinny fat person" if that makes sense. No tone, no muscles, just thin. If you like that look, that's great. But for me, I like the toned look with cut muscles.

Lifting makes your metabolism burn big time. And it burns for hours after a lifting workout.

And remember, less is best. I can't stress that enough. Doing more then an hour a day is just defeating results. I know because I use to train like that.

I am starting the rotation you gave me this week. I hope I can stick to it. I am so nervous about not doing cardio on those weight days, but I have been reading other posts of yours and others about how they lost weight with more w. and less cardio. I want to purchase a new workout: gym style or pyramid? I know I am a pain--it's called ocd! ha!:7

I just looked at the dvd's muscle max and the pyramid look good to me? which do you recommend?

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