Fitness Freak - Q about Rotation

Hi Debbie!
I've been having some back pain and have to lay off upper body weight work for a while (don't have the "official" word from my doc yet what exactly is wrong or if I can work out AT ALL for a while), but I seem to be okay doing lower body and cardio.

I'd like to do one of your leg blast rotations. My question is - can I just substitute some form of cardio in place of the days where you have upper body work scheduled? Also, on the days you have total body workouts, do you think it would be effective if I just did the lower body work from that particular DVD, or should I subtitute a total lower body DVD like Pyramid or B&G?

Thanks! I appreciate all you input!


So my ortho doesn't seem to think I need to hold back on the exercise while I go through some physical therapy. If that doesn't help, I'll get an MRI. But for now, I'm "okay" with the weights, in his opinion, as long as I can handle it.

So... guess I can just follow your rotation as is!! But, if you happen to read this and can comment on my original post (in case I still can't handle upper body weights), I'd appreciate it! If not, no biggie - I'll work it out! :) :)
Thanks for asking!

It's my mid-back (right below the bra line) on the right side of my spine. My husband says he can feel a big knot, and it definitely feels like semi-torture to rub. I have good days and bad. It seems to be worse when I'm hunched over my desk all day at work, so hopefully the physical therapy will help.

It's funny you mentioned pullovers. I started doing them several weeks ago and felt really uncomforable doing them, then my back started hurting. Not sure if it's related but I stopped doing them.

I lightened up on my weights big time. I started doing circuit workouts for my weight lifting, instead of doing GS, S&H or Pyramids for my upper body. I'm not really using anything heavier than my 5 lb dumbells right now.

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