FITNESS FREAK...need your input


Hi there,

I came to you a while ago for some advice w/ a rotation and it worked out great! Well, it's been some time and I need some more input. I need a rotation that is going to help me take off the 5 pounds I gathered after going back to school. I have since graduated, so time is more available (but not by much)! Here is the kicker, I now have 2 compressed lumbar disks which severely limits my running and/or any other kind of impact. I tried doing your Summer 2010 rotation and by the third day I could feel the stiffness setting in again. It seems that when I incorporate yoga 3x wk I am significantly better.

So how do I balance my cardio, weights and yoga into a schedule that isn't going to become a "second" job for me.

thanks so much for your help.


PS: I am starting swimming lessons in two weeks...
thanks for getting back to me!

So, to answer your question...after a weight work out like Muscle Max or Muscle Endurance there is very little stiffness the next day as long as I pay attention to form. My issue is that I am conditioned to do cardio to lose weight, but at age 49 things are changing. The impact of cardio will cause me to be stiff the next day, yet I want to stave off the dreaded middle age spread and get rid of this extra 5 lbs while trying to lean out (especially the lower half).

So what do I do? The yoga was prescribed by the Chiropractor to keep the back and hips loose and supple, and I really do enjoy it. However, it's not helping me lose the pounds!


thanks for getting back to me!

So, to answer your question...after a weight work out like Muscle Max or Muscle Endurance there is very little stiffness the next day as long as I pay attention to form. My issue is that I am conditioned to do cardio to lose weight, but at age 49 things are changing. The impact of cardio will cause me to be stiff the next day, yet I want to stave off the dreaded middle age spread and get rid of this extra 5 lbs while trying to lean out (especially the lower half).

So what do I do? The yoga was prescribed by the Chiropractor to keep the back and hips loose and supple, and I really do enjoy it. However, it's not helping me lose the pounds!



Actually, there are people who just do yoga and cardio and have phenominal results. But of course you can't build muscle with yoga.

I suggest a plan like this, and I'm assuming you workout 6 days a week. If it's less, let me know.

Day 1: Yoga
Day 2: Low impact cardio
Day 3: Total body workout (like MM, PH, MIS)
Day 4: rest
Day 5: Yoga
Day 6: Total Body workout
Day 7: Low Impact cardio

You can get some great calorie burns with low impact cardio. About two weeks ago I twisted my ankle and after a week off I got on my treadmill and just did a fast paced walk. I think the highest my HR got was around 130 bpm. I ended up burning about as many calories doing that as I do with Imax 2. So keep that in mind. And sometimes cardio like this burns fat quicker. Not sure why. I use to walk about 2 miles after work every day and that summer I was the leanest I have ever been, so there's something to it.

If you need anything else or would like me to tweak this, please let me know.
Thanks so much for your input!! I will give this a try and let you know how it goes. Keep your fingers crossed!


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