Fitness Freak - is this rotation okay?


Active Member
Hi Debbie!
Can you take a look at this rotation to see if it’s good for burning some body fat (I’d like to lose about 5 lbs) and toning the arms & legs? I am 5’4 and about 129 lbs. I’m not sure of my body type but I gain ALL my weight in the middle (my gut!). My upper body is slim and responds well to weight training. My lower half is slim too, although I’d like to tone up my rear, LOL. Thanks!!
(I made this up myself)

M Power Hour
T MIC (step only) + abs
Th PS Legs Only + MIS upper body only
F MIC (floor only)
S Cardio & Weights

M Muscle Endurance (60 min)
T Body Max (cardio only – 57 min)
Th Legs & Glutes (standing only- 39 min) + 4DS BC (30 min)
F PUB (60 min)
S Drill Max Cardio Leg Blast (57 min)

M LIC (75 min)
T IMAX (60 min)
Th Drill Max (72 min)

M Supersets (2 set lower body premix 44 min)
T Cardio Fusion plus abs
W Supersets (2 set upper body premix 50 min)
F High Step Challenge (from Hardcore Extreme w/IMAX 3 intervals)
S Kick, Punch & Crunch (68 min)
What kind of workout is 4DS BC? I'm assuming that Boot camp. Is it just cardio or a circuit type workout?

What kind of workout is Body Fusion? Pure cardio or a circuit?
Thanks for the fast reply!

Yes, the 4DS BC is the boot camp cardio from 4 day split. I want to do 3 days of cardio but would like to keep my workouts down to about an hour, so I thought adding a 1/2 (pure) cardio on that day was better than nothing!

Also, Body Fusion is a circuit workout with cardio & weights. I belive it's about 50 minutes.

Week 3 is different then the others because I thought adding some endurance/circuit workouts only would shake things up for my body. Not sure if this rotation will accomplish my goals. Thanks!
Oh wait, did you mean "Cardio Fusion"? If so, that is just pure cardio - I looked back over my rotation and didn't see "Body Fusion". Thanks!
Ok, I think, in my opinion, that your workouts are too all over the place. You need to stick to a basic layout for at least 4 weeks to get results. So I like your first week layout the best for what you are trying to do. So this is what I suggest:

M: Total Body
T: Cardio & abs
W: Off
T: Total Body
F: Cardio
S: Circuit training (cardio & weights)
S: Off

Keep it this way for 4 weeks and then we can go from there. See what results you get.
Thanks for taking a look at the rotation and giving me advice! I appreciate your input! :) I'll let you know how it goes..

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