Fitness Freak Another Question

Roxie 1965

Hey Debbie,

My sister is 40 5'2 and weighs 117lbs she would like to lose 7lbs and all of her weight is in the stomach what body type is she and what would work best for her more cardio or wts.?
I can't answer that just by what you said. Does she gain muscle easily? Does she gain fat easily? Has she ever worked out before? If so, what kinds of workouts did she/does she do?
I believe she gains pretty easily at one time she was really heavy then she went to the extreme an was almost anorexic. The only thing she does is walk but I just gave her the firms transformer and dvds and she wants to get started with that. Her DD is also wanting to do it.
Roxie, I think the Firm would be a great thing for her to start with. That should burn some major fat and tone her up at the same time. Get her started with that and then after she gets close to her goal weight, introduce her to Cathe.

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