fitness degree


Active Member
I was wondering what type, if any degree you have. I am very interested in becoming part of the fitness industry but am not sure where to start. What type of schooling, degree do I need? Is there a website that has good information on it that I can go to? Also, how do you become ACE certified and body pump certified?
Thanks for your help. You have been an inspiration to me for a very long time.
You could get certified through ACE go to there website and see what interest you.

I am certified through a local agency here and they are recognized by ACE. I am also in school to become an Exercise Physiologist. I am planning to pursue the Exercise Specialist Certification through ACE in which you do need to have a BA in a Fitness or related field. I am very interested in the Fitness Industry. I want to be able to help people in a clinical setting as well as in gyms and other places. I want to get the word out to school kids and all... that fitness is fun and you need it as well as nutrition to live a healthy life. :)
I am a degree certified Ex.Phys and doing the ACE certification is a good idea. I also teach BodyPump, BodyStep and just doing RPM cert. Have a look at for further info. ;)

Liz n
Thanks Liz! I did go to the website.... With your degree do you instruct or do you do clinical work?
I went to the website to look at Les Mills. It looks awesome. I really want to get into the fitness industry but don't know where to begin. How do you become a certified body pump, body combat, etc instructor? Do you need an exercise physiology degree to do so? What are some other things you can do with this degree?
Hi ladies,

You don't need an ex phys degree to do Les Mills training, though you do need your ACE or equivalent certification. I still love teaching group fitness because it is so darn motivating.

With my exercise phys degree - I set up a personal training business - within this trained different community groups/special populations, gave lectures/talks about health/fitness issues as well as trained elite athletes (marathon) and everyday folk (like myself!). I also do a bit of freelance writing.

Now with two kids (Cathe and I were pregnant together ;) ) I just do group fitness :)

Liz N
One of my American mates needs to help me out with the website here for ACE certification (I am an Aussie ). Something like - MK you may have to google it - you should find out certification info there ;)

Liz N

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