Fitness Bands for Heavy Lifts (Squats, Deadlifts, etc)


New Member
Hi everyone!

LOVE LOVE the idea of STS, and couldn't resist pre-ordering!

Question on equipment - I was wondering if I could use powerlifting bands instead of a squat rack or a weighted vest for heavy lifts like squats or even bench presses and deadlifts. I don't really want another piece of equipment for my cramped exercise space, and I'm afraid of getting crushed by weights that my upper body can't handle when I'm tired. I'm talking about the bands that look like huge rubber bands, that come in a bunch of sizes up to 200lb of resistance each.

Here is an example of the bands I'm talking about:

I'm thinking I could step on the middle of the band, loop each end around a lighter barbell that I can comfortable raise over my head, and add resistance to my squats that way. This link has some pictures of how the bands could be used.

Also, I can loop the bands over a door pull-up bar and do assisted pull-ups!

What do you guys think?
Hi I'm new but I'm going to throw my two cents in - I say go for it - spacewise and comfort level it sounds like a pretty good way to go - plus Cathe has used a band to add more resistance to barbell curls so you know it works - oh and thanks for the websites, I love it when people give websites :)
It might work, but I think it could be risky for injury for squats. If you use a band heavy enough to provide resistance that makes squats challenging, I can picture someone getting 'stuck' in the bottom position, or having the band pull them down so that it would be hard to exit safely.

That wouldn't be a problem with deadlifts.
Thanks! I didn't think about the "getting stuck" risk, though I think if I just step off the band, the resistance is gone and I'm unstuck? I think I'll order the bands, try this out, and see if it works!
Kathryn's caution is good to keep in mind. Also if you start off with lower resistance and work your way up,you should be ok. Do let us know how it works, that might be a way for me to go as well.

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