Hello Team T-day!
Glad to hear everyone is en pointe today!
Gayle (Banslug, still don't know the story behind your name
) It is very fortuitous that you mentioned you are doing weight watchers, because I just joined yesterday! I did it online, etools/meetings, and will go to the first one on Thursday. I did it 7 years ago (whoa, that's sobering), and decided I finally want to achieve lifetime status, after fizzling out before. I am going to do core, because it approximates clean eating to me, but we'll see how it goes. Amen with getting all the water in, I hate drinking water (and urinating every 15 minutes
Kariev - Good luck with achieving your goals today- did you do it? What is soy cheese like? I have recently ventured into soy mild and was pleasantly surprised.
Dani- which full body workout did you end up doing? I did cardio coach #8 this AM, and it felt great. Mostly because I can put a check by the "workout box", but also because I am happily becoming addicted to exercise, and notice that I feel horrible if I miss it.
Rhondalynn - welcome to the group, which is all of (?) three days old! Nice smileys- which smiley website do you get them from? I can totally related, except I have the cutest clothes that don't quite fit anymore (without offending sensibilities
Eriniski - what workout did you end up doing today?
I have done well with my eating today because it was a work day (I got home early
), and since I am so busy at work, if I bring my own food, I don't have the time or means to deviate from the plan. It's the weekends that undo the rest of the week. I woke up this morning, and was going to spend the morning preparing for my 8:15 presentation, but instead went running, and boy what a great choice. Nerves, gone.
Hope everyone has a productive day!
Quote contribution:
"I have never seen a wild thing feel sorry for itself" -DH Lawrence