Fit for T-Day Monday the 20th!

Good morning everybody! I didn't get a chance to sign in yesterday to post, but I loved reading it this morning. It was quiet yesterday, hugh???

This morning's workout is done. I got up early (5:20am) and hit PLB. LOVE that DVD.

My goals today are simple:
*workout (done, of course)
*stay within MY nutritional numbers (using the Weight Watchers pts system)
*stay positive!

Simple. And taking it one day at a time.

I like the quote from yesterday about setting your goal HIGH and being surprised by how far you can go!!!

Headed to work/school in an hour. I'm walking again today, and it's lilke 35 degrees out there! I'll be bundled up from head to toe! It's exactly 3/4 of a mile from my back door to the school's front door. I can handle the cold for THAT long, right? :)

BBL to check in on everybody!

Moring ladies. Got up at 5:45 this morning and did the slim series workout "mix it up" then i tacked on 20 min of jogging at 6.5mph on my treadmill.
Breakfast was .5 cup egg whites, 1 whole egg, 1 slice soy cheese, 2 kashi waffles, and 2tbsp of half and half creamer in my coffee.
goals for today:
positive thinking
eating when i'm hungry only but staying under 1500cals
drink water and no diet soda
I did fairly good this weekend on eating. Had a positive attitude and did my workouts. Today is a rest day.

What can be better than that? Will talk more later today, I need to get even more positive.

Hi all! quick pop in to say Happy Monday and will check back later, but can't find my desk :( after being gone for a week.

Look forward to getting back into my regular workout routine. Will definately do something full body tonite so it doesn't totally forget how to work!

BBL for personals!

quote: "Think outside the box! you never know what can happen!" ~ co-worker!
Hi girls,

May I join you? I usually always fall hard during the holidays and really don't want that to happen this year. :( I want to come through strong instead of guilt ridden and having to resolve to lose what I gained through the holidays. ;)

I have already gained and really do need to drop some wt because all my clothes are too tight. I can't afford and don't want to buy all new clothes.

I want to enjoy the holidays and also enjoy a few treats here and there. I have no desire to totally wipe out sugar from my diet. (It's been my best friend and worst enemy for too long. ;)) I'm a believer in all things in moderation. It's the moderation that I need to work on. :eek:

My main focus will be on eating as clean as possible. I've found that I need to stay around 1200-1400 cals to lose wt. The closer to 1200, the better. I'm 5'1" and 2 years post-menopausal. The cards are stacked against me.

I enjoy a variety when it comes to exercise. I have no desire to be a fitness model or body builder. :eek: I just want to be healthy and fit. I like to mix it up and do pretty much what I like. I'm certainly not against rotations. I've done my share.
I just get bored easily and prefer the variety. I plan on doing STS when it's released and might even buy Chalene's new series.

I didn't mean to tell my life story. ;) I look forward to sharing the next few weeks with you. :D
Hi Everyone!

I will be back later but wanted to read quickly the personals.

Not sure what workout I will do but will definitely post later tonight and let you know.

GOing to make some dinner quickly so I can head to the gym shortly.

be back
Hello Team T-day!

Glad to hear everyone is en pointe today!

Gayle (Banslug, still don't know the story behind your name ;)) It is very fortuitous that you mentioned you are doing weight watchers, because I just joined yesterday! I did it online, etools/meetings, and will go to the first one on Thursday. I did it 7 years ago (whoa, that's sobering), and decided I finally want to achieve lifetime status, after fizzling out before. I am going to do core, because it approximates clean eating to me, but we'll see how it goes. Amen with getting all the water in, I hate drinking water (and urinating every 15 minutes :rolleyes:).

Kariev - Good luck with achieving your goals today- did you do it? What is soy cheese like? I have recently ventured into soy mild and was pleasantly surprised.

Dani- which full body workout did you end up doing? I did cardio coach #8 this AM, and it felt great. Mostly because I can put a check by the "workout box", but also because I am happily becoming addicted to exercise, and notice that I feel horrible if I miss it.

Rhondalynn - welcome to the group, which is all of (?) three days old! Nice smileys- which smiley website do you get them from? I can totally related, except I have the cutest clothes that don't quite fit anymore (without offending sensibilities :eek:.

Eriniski - what workout did you end up doing today?

I have done well with my eating today because it was a work day (I got home early :p), and since I am so busy at work, if I bring my own food, I don't have the time or means to deviate from the plan. It's the weekends that undo the rest of the week. I woke up this morning, and was going to spend the morning preparing for my 8:15 presentation, but instead went running, and boy what a great choice. Nerves, gone.

Hope everyone has a productive day!

Quote contribution:
"I have never seen a wild thing feel sorry for itself" -DH Lawrence
i love the quotes! will come up with two tom. I ended up taking a class at the gym total body conditioning and boy was it not good. glad i did something though. i must say sometimes i dread the cathe dvds but nothing compares.

gayle how was the party?

everyone else hello all sounded like good workouts and good eats!
Hi everybody!!! It's getting late but I wanted to post one more time before I call it a night!

A few comments to some of YOUR comments/questions:

My DS' BDay party was fun. I love having people over. My baby is 8! I can't believe. My older baby will be 11 on the 29th! YIKES...where did these last 8-11 years GO?

My screen name: Banslug. It's a shortened version of Banana Slug, which is my beach volleyball team's name. When it came time to choose a team name, we all drew a blank, so our captain asked us for a fruit and an insect. Banana & Slug! Turns out there is actually a college in CA (I think) that has the Banana Slug as their school mascot! LOL Go figure!

I love your quotes, ladies! I'll add mine in very soon, PROMISE!

Rhondalyn-Welcome aboard!

Lisa-I started WW about 4 years ago and lost my weight pretty quickly and the program was so effective and flexible for me! But then you know how we get complacent and before you know it....some of the weight is back. NO MORE!!! Time to get serious again!

OK....time to pack it in for the night and work on my plans for TOMORROW! I'm planning on a Cathe step workout....maybe one of the older ones like Step Fit or Step abs!


Hi again!

Well, I haven't worked out since LAST TUESDAY, so I needed it tonite. I did High Step Circuit and pleased to say that it was not as difficult as it once was! My stomach is feeling especially bloated today (TTOM for me :() but happy I got a wo in!

Gayle: how did you do with your goals today? Good job on getting your workout out of the way early... I have never been able to work out in the morning expect on a weekend, and then rare before noon...

Kariev: man, you guys and your early morning workouts... you make me feel like a slug! :) very impressive! started off good with the eating too... I had 2 Special K breakfast bars... wouldn't know what eating clean is if it bit me, but still trying to make better choices with what I do eat. good for you!

Janie: You always have a good attitude and positive outlook here! I love it and you are a real inspiration to me! Hope you enjoyed your day of rest! you so deserve it after all you are going through! I would have been curled up on the couch feeling very sorry for myself, so keep up the good work!

Rhondalyn: Yes WELCOME!!! the more the merrier! can NEVER have too much support and an extra voice to boost moral! Sugar has also been my best friend for more than 40 years! we have a love/hate relationship... I love it, it hates me... or maybe it LOVES me since I can never get RID if it ~ it is securely holding fast to my thighs, hips and a$$! :eek: I too have a bunch of really cute clothes that I can no longer fit into so hopefully when I DO get there (and I will this time!) they may have gone out of style, but I won't care! :) I am very fickle when it comes to anything routine and repetative... I get bored easily and was really excited when I found the variety Cathe provides... however, it will take me a bit of time to obtain a good library as the DVD's are a bit on the pricey side.. I too have ordered STS and can't wait!

Eriniski: good job on the workout ~ even if it wasn't what you hoped it would be, at least you were moving! hope you had a good day!

Lisa: How did the presentation go? you nailed it I bet! good job on the run... sweat out the nerves!

have a good evening!
Hey Gayle... we posted at the same time. I have also been an online member of WW for the past few months... however, been there exactly ONCE! :eek:

I better get back into it... now that there are some more WW's aboard!

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