Fit & Firm classic video!


:) For those of you who own Fit & Firm isn't it such a change from the muscle sculpting workouts of today? I get a kick out of how the cast howlers and chants throughout the workout. Also, most of the lower body work is done on the floor with ankle weights, rather than using a barbell for leg work. I think it is unique how Cathe tied together the weight lifting and aerobics at the same time for a 2 in 1 workout. I actually lifted heavier than Cathe did throughout the workout! I believe this was Cathe's first muscle sculpting workout with weights. Correct me if I am wrong.:D
I like it, it's a change from the "today Cathe" workouts. I have to admit I cannot get through the floor leg work yet, I've only done the workout about 3 times and each time I lay there on the floor after completing only about 2/3rds of the floorwork and just watch the tv like they're all nuts! Cathe and crew are just lifting away like they like it or something, while I'm rolling all over the floor, holding my thigh and praying it doesn't cramp up on me!
But the upper body stuff I dig! You can use light or moderate weight and make it what you want!

But it's a fun workout! :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
I laughed when I read your post because I too was thrilled to lift a heavier weight than Cathe! Hee hee! I'm pretty sure it'll be the ONLY time!
It's a lot of fun to own & occasionally work out with...also fun to "meet" Cathe's sister!

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