First trimester


Hi everyone,

I was wondering how everyone was doing in their 1st tri.? How have the workouts been going and have you had to modify? I find myself becoming extremly tired about 20 min into the workout and I am seriously modifing my workouts already. I hope my energy level will pick up again in my 2nd tri. I am almost 5wks. pg
Hi Mary! I am in my 7th week and it's been very difficult. Before the pregnancy, I worked out 6 days a week. Now I'm lucky if I get 3 days a week in. On top of the nausea and tiredness, I ended up catching a cold so I'm in rough shape. They only allow me to take Tylenol for a cold which doesn't really help a drippy nose. However, I was lucky enough to cure the nausea a bit with those sea-bands. They are actually working for me which is great. That may be able to help me get back into my workouts. There have been reports that the sea-bands work for some people and not for others so if you have the nausea it may be worth picking up some and giving them a try.

I'm hoping the second trimester is much better than this because this has been awful for me too.

Hi Mary!

I'm almost 10 weeks along and have to say that my workouts have really been put on hold. Between feeling nauseous and tired beyond belief, and having a 7 and 3 year old, I just don't have the extra energy right now to put into working out. I do what I can when I feel up to it. I'm looking forward to getting out of the first trimester and getting something done again!

I am 10 weeks and haven't been able to exercise since week 8...since week 6 I've only been able to get one workout in a week.
I am incredibly nauseaus and tired and also have a UTI.

I used to workout 5-6 x's a week.
this is my third child and I certainly don't remember feelin this way the other two times. But keeping up with a 3 and 1 1/2 year old are tiring too!

It should get better by 12-14 weeks!
I only worked out 2 times my first trimester (well, 2 times after figuring out I was pregnant). The nausea was miserable.

I think it's great that you're trying to keep it up with modifications. But listen to your body. If you're too tired or you don't feel well, don't push it.

For some, I know the fatigue and nausea last the duration of pregnancy (I couldn't imagine). But that's not the norm, thank goodness.

I'm finishing up Week 13 now, and I've worked out 4 times this week. As week 12 wrapped up, I began to feel like a whole person again :)
Thank you all for input, I was feeling guilty because I could not get in any really good workouts. Today I am going to try and clean my house and maybe do a load of laundry. I hope you all feel good
I pause the dvd/vhs like every 10 minutes to rest, catch my breath, and slug down a bunch more H20. I am modifying the exercises a lot - especially weight lifting. I'm not lifting as much and some of them I just throw out and do something else (practice those kegels!!!) Cardio- I cut down - usually taking out a section and limiting to the 'slower' paced ones. Her older tapes are real good for this. :)

Get your rest in girl and don't feel bad about skipping here and there.

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