First timer on BodyMax - heartrate up there!


Active Member
Today I went all that way through BodyMax at one time! Wow! What an endurance workout! I had to modify like crazy to get through it all, but I'm so happy that I made it through. Just for fun I wore my new toy, a heartrate monitor, through the workout. Even with the modifications my heartrate was high!
For my age (39) the charts say my heartrate should be about 158 or so at the 85% of maximum. It was usually in the 160s, sometimes higher when I really pushed it. I have been a regular exerciser for the past year, doing a lot of Cathe's strength tapes, occasional step tapes, and lots of walking/running on the treadmill. My heartrate regularly climbs into the 160s. Does anyone think this is unusual? Or does it mean I should try not to push so hard? I just figure you have to push hard sometimes to see gains, right?

I personally think Body Max is very fast. It is such a challenging workout! The bpm are high and so even if the moves aren't intense, they take a lot out of you. And then there's that circuit segment. My hr was almost up to 200 the last time I did it. I would take the intensity down a little, don't add jumps on all the moves, or lower your step height. If you feel sick or too winded, you won't want to do this tape again, and that's not good. Remember, if it isn't fun, you won't want to do it. Have fun!
Hi Rhonda...

The high heart rate thing happens with me too. I think it is good to push yourself sometimes, however, just about every Cathe cardio drives me to upwards of 85%. Some weeks I can be fine with this if I only do 2-3 Cathe cardios, but other weeks I get shin splints and knee twinges and I can feel the negetive result of all that intensity. Remember, it is good to have easy days too. I know I for one get way to caught up on intesity and end up practically killing myself every workout!! Personally, I am SO GLAD that someone else posted about a high HR. Know I don't feel so alone!!

Have fun and be careful!!
Thanks for is nice to know that others think the video is tough, and it gets your heart rate up there, too! And I agree there should be some days to push it, and some days to take it easy, too! I was trying to keep the intensity down, but it was still getting up there! Oh well - lots of room to improve!

My heart rate also goes past the 85% range. I'm 43, but have been working out regularly for the past 10 years. Even when I'm feeling good and not too winded my HR is still high. I try to go more by how I'm feeling. It's nice to know that others have the same concerns about this.

Maybe your heartrate really isn't at 85%+. When I got my heart rate monitor, I did a web search and found at least 4 different calculation methods for figuring out the target heart rate, some of them giving a 10 bpm difference. The only way to get your actual maximum heart rate and figure out zones correctly is to get an exercise stress test done.

If you DO feel that you are this high, I wouldn't hesitate to modify (which I what I have to do with Body Max--sometimes towards the end, I'm doing moves on the floor rather than on the--by that point--4" step!
I do Body Max as a whole and don't modify, but feel my heart pounding. I make sure that the next day is a lower impact cardio workout. However , I might do intervals on the bike then next day. I seem to be OK. BTW I am over 40 also.

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)

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