First Time with IMax!


Today was my first time with IMax. What a killer workout! I was kinda disappointed in myself because I couldn't do every interval at the full level of intensity. I had to modify the pylo and power scissor intervals and just stood there watching during half of the 10th interval. But I guess that I have something to grow into. It was definitely harder than Intense Moves because I can do that without modifications.
Okay JenniferAnn! :)

Congrats on getting through and you clearly did better than I did for the first time. I had to laugh at your remark about standing there and looking during interval #10, because that is exactly what I did the first several times through, except that as they worked, I marched in place muttering things like, "yeah, right! you guys and the superfriends are the only ones capable of this interval!" But as I always say, modification is the key, and one day you just don't need to modify anymore. :)

Makes you drool in anticipation for Imax 2 doesn't it? :)

Good for you! That is awesome! Just think, if you did all 10 intervals with no modifications the 1st time, you'd have nothing to strive for next time! I find Imax is sneaky, sometimes I can do all 10, other times, I have to modify by the time Cathe gets to interval #4. I guess it's a combination of diet and sleep, etc. But just think, you survived it! As Cathe says, "You got it, you got it, you go!"
Congratulations!! You did it! :) I also just added IMAX to my routine about a month or so ago. It's a toughie but one that I always look forward to doing.I did MIC today and found it actually "easier" than usual. I think adding IMAX to my
routine really helped!
Be proud of yourself! You boldly went where some people have never gone before! ;-) Susan
Imax is very hard. Sounds like you did great for your first time!! I STILL have to modify all the plyo stuff..

Oh my your post made me laugh! I can totally relate to the "watching" them quote. Sometimes I don't even notice that I am just standing there watching. Then, I realize I missed a whole first part of a segment hee hee! I look at them and they are all still smiling!!! I don't know how they do it!!!!

I am happy you made it thru! Good work! I just made it thru this morning for the first time. I hadn't done the video for awhile and did it today. I made it thru all 10 intervals but had to of course modify a bit on some and I definitely couldn't do all the plyos. However, at least it gives us something to work for!!! I think it is one of the toughest workouts I have ever done!!!
WOW! You did great for your first time! Imax is one of those videos you just have to have!! I know I'm in to really sweat when I do this one. I have to make myself modify sometimes because I expect myself to do it all! Even if my HR is out of the range.
But like others said, I look forward to working towards the final without modifications. Is it possible?? I love interval 10 but I do jumping jacks all the way not the tucks!! Do those tucks????? I don't think so!! How do they smile through it????
Good luck! Cathy
Been doing IMax for several years, and I STILL can't do my arch nemesis, the oh-so-dreaded Interval 10! I'm tuckered out from the side leaps alone. And can't spread my legs very far (hmmm . . . that sounds a bit dirty) for the leaping jacks and forget the tucks! They make my whole body resonate (parquet floor on cement -- not a good thing). Oiiieee!

OMG Patricia, is the arch nemesis the move where you jump spread eagled in the air ? Help, they never showed that in the 10 minute review ( Anna is now deeply regretting ordering IMAX 1 !) :eek: I will never be able to do that in a month of Sundays !

My daughter(she's 5) was watching me do IMAX last week. She walked in just as I was starting the dreaded No. 10. As she was watching me she said" Mommy, you have to jump higher! Look at that lady she jumps super high, huh?! Mommy does it hurt when you have to slap your knees? Mommy why are you looking so tired? Mommy, you're not doing it the same as her." I just stopped and started laughin and laughing. Then I told her to try it and she walked out of the room! She's my"coach" and my sidekick. Just thought I'd share. Keep smilin' :D Susan
Hi Anna:

Afraid so. But don't forget, it's the toughest interval. Plus you can always modify if you're tuckered out by then.

IMax is a very good workout -- but I'll stick to my guns, MIC is tougher! I just did it on Thursday morning and I was a wet rag all day.


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