first time seeing a gila monster


Me and my sil were taking a break on a hike today and out strolls this gila monster 4 feet away from us. She said it was just a baby. I have never seen one before. I do know that when they bite you their venom is injected into you through their teeth. Just had to share. Sorry the picture is so big. It was about 13" long.
Cool!! My son just a report on gila monsters!!!! He made a posterboard and had to give a presentation in front of his class.

Hey Dani,
Haven't noticed you posting lately. Was wondering where you and some others went to. It was cool seeing the gila monster. The more I followed it, the more attention he paid to ME.:eek: I just read in a book that it is considered a treasure to see them because they don't like to come out very much. Maybe he was hungry. I was hoping to see his momma, but yet kind of glad I didn't. He was black and bright orange.
I was pretty close to a gila monster when I was small. In fact, I was riding on my dad's back in one of those baby carriers. Of course, I dodn't remember this. LOL
That is really cool Heather. My little guy took a look at the picture and thought it was really neat. He really liked working on his gila monster project. He keeps reminding me that is pronounced "Hee-La Monster". :D

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