First Blast of IMAX 3


Just wondering--does anyone else think that the first blast in IMAX 3 is really, really difficult? I about passed out when I finished it the first time, and then Cathe said that the blasts "only get harder" from there, and that really got me discouraged!

I can finish the whole workout, with just a few modifications. But actually, I think the first blast is the hardest of all ten intervals--for some reason, I have trouble jumping on the step sideways, especially after all of those fast foot shuffles!

Just wondering if anyone else finds this pretty challenging...

Maybe it's just tough becuase my body is still warming up?
i feel the exact same way you do, i always thought the first one was harder than some of the others. i almost fell into the tv trying to jump sideways on the step.
Hi...I find that the first blast is pretty hard for me too. I always contribute it to, that I'm still getting warmed up and not in a "groove" yet. I've gotten a little better at it. I do love the workout:)
Totally. I find myself doing HCE #3 a lot because it starts on blast 4(or 5) and it's so much more ecouraging. I gave Imax 3 to my SIL and later regretted that because she's new to Cathe and was blown away by blast #1.

Personally, I think the first blast is one of the hardest! The first time I did this workout I thought OH SH*T!! I'm in serious trouble, because Cathe said it gets harder. I thought I would never make it thru the whole workout. I did make it thru (barely). It's strange I have no trouble what so ever with #10 and I thought that was suppose to be the hardest.
I've thought that since I got the tape. I thought I was the only one. It's nice to know I am not alone. I do love Imax 3 though. It is probably the one I like the best. I love blast and step segments 9 and 10. Thanks for posting.
I so agree, so happy others do too - I don't think any of the other blasts are as hard as that one. And, I find that the jumps after the tap steps (which I've finally gotten and love) are too hard. My legs give out and we're just beginning. Also, I would feel this "failure" aspect because my jumps would turn into weird walking things - so I have begun doing that blast just like in IMax 2. When the jumps start I keep doing the "push-ups" on the step. My heart rate stays as high (or higher) cause I can do it - I have fun and can put my all into the tap steps. Still breathing harder after that one than all the others but I start the workout feeling great - no failure factor. Really made a difference for me.
I also find Blast #1 to be very difficult, and the other day I did Imax 2 and tacked on the first four intervals of Imax 3 for some extra cardio. The first blast was still quite difficult, but it was more doable because I was very warm coming off another workout.

How does everybody feel about the seventh blast with the jumping jacks onto the step? Yikes.
LOL when I was reading everyone's posts, I was confused because I thought to myself "I don't find #1 all that hard"... and now I'm LOL at myself because I realized, I never do the jumps with both feet!! :D I just do my best, trailing my other leg a bit... and by the end of the workout, I'm dog tired, so something must be happening!!! :7
I had done a post a while ago asking which interval everyone thought the toughest. Most said 4 or 7 (which is my personal toughest - I DREAD that one!!!) but a lot said 1. I think the fast foot shuffles are one of the hardest in IMax 2 as well. They definitely get my heart rate up. Adding the jumps over the step just adds insult to injury ;-)
I also think the first blast is one of the most difficult. Honestly, I hardly ever do all of the fast-feet parts. I do lunges or something similar to keep my HR up, but the fast feet are often too much for me.
I have fallen twice on that blast (on 6 inches no less), and I very rarely fall. Jumping sideways to the top and down just doesn't work for me, beween being not fully warmed up, beat up from the straddle taps and general clumsiness. I just return to the normal position behind the bench and jump up and down from the floor to the bench instead of sideways, similar to many other videos. It is much better that way for me. I feel that blast should have come later in the routine when one is more warmed up.
Imax 3's blasts from toughest to easiest, imho:

Blast 5
Blast 4
Blast 1
Blast 10
Blast 6
Blast 7
Blast 8
Blast 4
Blast 3
Blast 2
Blast 9
I TOTALLY agree!!!!! I think blast 5 is by far the hardest. I actually cringe after the step portion knowing it is coming. No one else had listed it first and I thought it was just me who had issues with it.:)

PS blast 4 is hard but it is my favorite! And or because its to Bon Jovi!! He rocks! and keeps me going!
I too do something different other than fast foot taps. I just can't seem to get it. I think its because I'm short. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!
Nice to know others agree:)

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