Firming the rear

My top of thigh measures 19" but I have really skinny legs!! We will never be happy with our bodies! My problem areas are chest down to belly so I consider myself unlucky - even though I have good legs.

I think we all sound pretty fit and healthy and should be proud of ourselves even if we have little bits we're not happy with!!
This is a reply to your diet concerns. I am also 5,2" and weigh 112. Alot of people seem to forget that dieting is 85 percent of the way you look, and most of us hide the muscle under a layer of fat.The BEST diet book I have ever purchased is by Dr. Tony Perrone. He has a web sight and you will probably have to purchase the book on line.This is the same guy who helped get Janet Jackson in top shape. He not only offers 10 different diets but to personalize the diet to meet your needs he has you answer a questionaire. So good luck.
This is a reply to your diet concerns. I am also 5,2" and weigh 112. Alot of people seem to forget that dieting is 85 percent of the way you look, and most of us hide the muscle under a layer of fat.The BEST diet book I have ever purchased is by Dr. Tony Perrone. He has a web sight and you will probably have to purchase the book on line.This is the same guy who helped get Janet Jackson in top shape. He not only offers 10 different diets but to personalize the diet to meet your needs he has you answer a questionaire. So good luck.
I've found weight watchers to be my best eating plan, but I have to tweak it to make it more nutritious. They don't require enough protein or calcium, and don't warn against too much artificial sweeteners and processed food, but we all have to take our own responsibility for that stuff.

I think you're SO right that diet is 85% of the fitness equation. Also, I know that muscle is more important than the number on the scale, but I sure look better when that number is lower.

I was intrigued by that Tony Perrone book, so I found the site and read some excerpts. On one hand he talks about how dieters are actually losing muscle and bone mass which is bad...then a few pages later he's offering weight loss plans where a woman can lose as much as 18 lbs of fat in three weeks. How much bone and muscle would she be losing? A lot.

I'm all for learning all we can about the right approach to being in peak health but I personally saw a lack on integrity in his information. Not saying that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater, he probably has good insights throughout his book, but hm...We all have to read critically and take what wisdom we can from all of these books.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-02 AT 11:20PM (Est)[/font][p]oops wrong thread.
Hi, Mars,

I'm a runner, too, and wanted to comment on your training schedule.

I have discovered that if I run one day (7 miles) and strength train the next day, I cannot build muscle strength. (You know how physically taxing running is).

I worked up to 40 lbs for lower body before I went on an exercise hiatus and have resumed working out consistently for about 2 months. I just cannot go heavier than 20-25 lbs right now and I think it's because of the running.

I had a friend who had a tiny waist and comparatively "larger" thighs. Her personal trainer told her to work on increasing her poundage and cut down on her cardio - no more than 30 minutes, 3X per week. It worked for her.
MadnNatsmom, now that you know running after weights will get in the way of your muscle progress, how do you coordinate your exercise days?

I can do a 6-mile run but am thinking it may not be the best thing for my goals. Someone else also posted they read in a book that after 45 minutes into a run you start burning lean muscle. But we have to run sometime so the jeans will fit!

I'd be interested to hear how you schedule your workouts.

It is tough to coordinate the weeks worth of exercise. I revised my plan a little, it looks more like this now:

Mon - whatever or nothing
Tue - MIS
Wed - run 45 min (tempo)
Thur - bike 60 min
Fri - run 40 min (speed work)
Sat - MIS
Sun - run 60-70 min (long, easy)

Of course this varies, I will start riding my bike to work so I usually start riding more in the summer and running less. I am finding it difficult to get the 3rd weight day in for my lower body and still get 4 aerobic days in, it doesn't work well for me to do both in a day. I can get good leg work in on the bike instead.

After 6 weeks on this schedule I have gained a couple of pounds, which made me nervous at first but I'm going to hang in there for another month and see what happens. My clothes don't feel tight so it must be muscle. My overall goal is to loose body fat and that I haven't seen any change in.
Hi Cathe,
I'm 42 years old 5'8 and weigh 147 pounds, do five days of cardio a week and three days of weight training. My percent body fat is 14. I'm pleased with my arms, legs and abs but my butt won't respond. It's not droopy just flat, no definition. I don't think I know how to hit all areas of the butt. You used to have a video called Rock Bottoms. Do you still offer it? Would you please create a video that is butt specific? Love your videos, have used them for many years. Thanks
I am 46 years old and the best thing I like about my body is my very firm rear. I got it that way by doing heavy squats, tall box climbs per The Firm using a 28-30 lb barbell and a 12-inch step (I'm very short), and also lying-side leg lifts. You will for sure achieve in getting a firm rear if you do these exercises at least twice a week.

I wish I could do all the aerobics that you seem to be able to do. I couldn't do a marathon or a triathalon to save my life!
MdnNatsmom -

This is so true, sometimes my legs are very tired. Problem is that if I want to train for a running event, I have to do the miles. So far it has worked to get the weight days in before or after, running the day after weights feels good because it stretches out my thighs. Thanks for your comments.

I'm going to cut down to 3 runs from 4 - 2 short and one long - so I don't lose that cardio capacity and do the NordicTrack on the other days.

I'm going to do lower body strength first and then finish with the NordicTrack. I really like it because it has virtually no impact and my legs don't feel tired like after a run.

So, I may do something like this:

M: 30 minute run, upper body
T: 30 minute NT, Lower body
W: 30 minute run, upper body
TH: 30 minute NT, lower body
F: Rest
S: total body strength
Su: 60 minute run

I have muscular glutes and legs, but I have a big ol' 30" waist that I'm trying to trim, so I feel I need the cardio, but want to maintain my muscles.

We'll see how I do!
mars -

I know what you mean. I've read that you can't do both - you can either increase your running mileage OR build muscle. It's just not possible to gain muscle while doing long durations of cardio.

Other runners have said that they do lower body weights only once per week during training.
S&H legs with a weight that challenges you. I found it has added some mass to my rear and I feel it hitting my butt when I go down low for the squats as opposed to my quads when I do LL. I train lower body only once per week now with this video. It has worked very well. But if I do too much step I start seeing my legs start to dwindle so it is true that you can't have both.
>I've found weight watchers to be
>my best eating plan, but
>I have to tweak it
>to make it more nutritious.
> They don't require enough
>protein or calcium, and
>don't warn against too much
>artificial sweeteners and processed food,
>but we all have to
>take our own responsibility for
>that stuff.
>I think you're SO right that
>diet is 85% of the
>fitness equation. Also, I
>know that muscle is more
>important than the number on
>the scale, but I sure
>look better when that number
>is lower.
>I was intrigued by that Tony
>Perrone book, so I found
>the site and read some
>excerpts. On one hand
>he talks about how dieters
>are actually losing muscle and
>bone mass which is bad...then
>a few pages later he's
>offering weight loss plans where
>a woman can lose as
>much as 18 lbs of
>fat in three weeks.
>How much bone and muscle
>would she be losing?
>A lot.
>I'm all for learning all we
>can about the right approach
>to being in peak health
>but I personally saw a
>lack on integrity in his
>information. Not saying that we
>should throw the baby out
>with the bathwater, he probably
>has good insights throughout his
>book, but hm...We all have
>to read critically and take
>what wisdom we can from
>all of these books.

This is in response to your going on line and checking out Dr. Perrones sight. The sight doesn't give enough info on his actual plans. He has 10 different diets to suit the needs of each individual. He has a couple of plans for quick weight loss if you have a special event comming up and you need to lose body fat quickly. He balances proteins, carbs and fat due to the answers you give on his questionaire. You won't lose muscle or bone density on his 7 day quick fix because protein levels are high. But he STRONGLY suggests that continuing on that particular plan after 7 days will actually start to REVERSE your results. You would really have to read the book. I was lucky enough to fall in a catagory that I can follow for the rest of my life. I want low level body fat so I can really see all my definition. Now how about giving some info on get a rock hard but? Thanks.

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