Fire in the thighs! Fire in the thighs!


I did Cathe's Low Max this morning and WOW! were my thighs BURNING! I'm sure it's going to much worse tomorrow. What a great workout - and so very fun. I'm working up to the motherload - IMAX 2!!!

Yes Angie! Isn't Low Max the best!! Huge Fun Factor!

Shelley - I think you are going to love Low Max. It's one of my favorites now! It goes by so quick you can't believe you're done!

Have Fun!

:) Nicole
I knew this thread was about Low Max. It's a real leg burner, ain't it?

I actually get more burn with Low Max than IMAX2. I'm still learning IMAX3 so I can't compare yet.
Yowza!!!! That area where the quads insert into the knee joint is beyond flaming during Low Max! You gotta love the burn! }(
Oh, I DO love the burn! I did Core Max Saturday and I loved the soreness I felt the next day - it was almost a high. Is that weird?!? If it is, nothing wrong has ever felt so right!!

You’re all encouraging me to try this w/o again. I keep getting frustrated with myself not getting the chorography, plus all the turns make me dizzy. It's on my rotation tomorrow and was going to do IMAX2 instead. Now, I just *might* do LowMax.
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
Do it, Susan! I couldn't get all the choreography and turns at first either but I plugged through and still had a good time and an awesome workout.

Susan, I had to rewind many times to get the reverse mambos and step sweeps down. Then someone suggested just doing the step only premix a few times and that really did the trick for me. Love love love Low Max. It's definitely my favorite hardcore of all. :)
I don't like the way turns feel on my knees so I rarely do any. I can usually modify the turns out of about any move. It doesn't affect the fun factor for me to take the turns out.
Just got Low Max yesterday! I watched it last night, was very apprehensive about doing it, even though I love Imax and Imax 2, but after reading all the responses on this thread I am PSYCHED, PSYCHED, PSYCHED to do it tonight! :7
OMG! I just did Low Max again yesterday and I started laughing so hard because I thought immediately of this thread. I didn't realize just how many times Cathe says FIRE IN THE THIGHS! during that workout!! I was laughing so hard I was messing up the moves!

Don't worry about not getting the choreography right away...every time I do this workout I think that anything in between the blasts is just recovery anyway!!

Have FUN!!

:D Nicole
Nicole - LOL!!!:7

Sorry for causing you some "counter-choreography"! I was laughing, too, when she said that during Low Max. Cathe can really crack me up sometimes! She can come up with some funny one-liners....I think without really meaning to be funny.....!


No apologies necessary! Cathy really is a riot sometimes...and when you least expect it! Somewhere there is a thread that is all about the funny things she says. I can't remember for the life of me what the title is, but Cathe definitely has a great sense of humor!

One of my favorites from Step Fit: "Was that a Sheep?"

You could easily miss it if you're not paying attention, but it cracks me up everytime!

:D Nicole
I definately love, love this workout too. Cathe does have her little quirky comments during this workout, because I think everyone is having so much fun with it. Even funnier is during the first interval, look at Brenda in the back row. Her undies creep up her bum! They are nude colored but I noticed it when she turns. Take a look next time, you'll crack up (no pun intended)!:D
I do love Low Max the best out of all the workouts. It is really easy to learn and a total blast to do!!!!

Plus, it is easy on the old knees?

Are you guys at 6 or 8 with it. I have tried both - 8's a little much for me.

Hi Melissa!

I use the 6" height right now. It works just fine! I get a great workout. If the 6 ever gets too easy, then I may go to an 8 for a challenge. I have short legs, so until I'm at "near Cathe" level, I'm sure I won't go any higher.

:) Nicole
I finished it for the first time with all the blasts and 2 rewinds to get the stepping right.

EEEEEKKKK! I'm tired but happy.

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